सदानंदपुर गाँव, बलिया (बेगूसराय)

मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से
imported>रोहित साव27 द्वारा परिवर्तित २१:४२, १७ मार्च २०२१ का अवतरण (Advocate ranjan (Talk) के संपादनों को हटाकर रोहित साव27 के आखिरी अवतरण को पूर्ववत किया)
(अन्तर) ← पुराना अवतरण | वर्तमान अवतरण (अन्तर) | नया अवतरण → (अन्तर)
नेविगेशन पर जाएँ खोज पर जाएँ


—  गाँव  —
समय मंडल: आईएसटी (यूटीसी+५:३०)
देश साँचा:flag
राज्य बिहार
ज़िला बेगूसराय
आधिकारिक भाषा(एँ) हिन्दी, मगही, मैथिली, भोजपुरी, अंगिका, उर्दु, अंग्रेज़ी
  साँचा:collapsible list
आधिकारिक जालस्थल: http://begusarai.bih.nic.in


सदानंदपुर बलिया, बेगूसराय, बिहार स्थित एक गाँव है।


This village is situated about 16 Km east of Begusarai between NH-31 and Gupta Bandh.



आदर्श स्थल

Shree Ma Chandrika Jee ka temple, High school ground popularly known as Field among villagers. Mata Vagwati Sthan, Ma Kali Sthan,Thakurbadis (Four Thakurbadi) and Mundup (Shree Hanuman Jee Temple).


This village has two Primary School,one Middle School,one High School,one Library and one Inter College. Sadanandpur high school has produced many scholars and professionals in various fields. Dr. Sitaram Singh, former head of department (History) Bihar University is one such example.


This village has been politically sensitive before independence and has also participated in Freedom Movements.Shree Brahamdev Singh thrice elected the MLA from then Ballia Vidhan Sabha. His son Shree Ram Lakhan Singh has been Congress district President for long time. Villagers of Sadanandpur has been very fond of football game and used to organise tournaments every year. One can imagine the fondness and keenness of this villagers towards football game that this village team has defeated English Football Team (Angrej team) before independence and secured winning shield since then.The bhumihar of this village has donated his land for construction of college and schools and contributed towards education.

बाहरी कड़ियाँ