भारत के औद्योगिक केन्द्र
नेविगेशन पर जाएँ
खोज पर जाएँ
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भारत के प्रमुख औद्योगिक केन्द्रों की सूची नीचे दी गयी है-[१]
क्रमांक | स्थान | राज्य | महत्व |
1 | कोरबा | छत्तीसगढ़ | कोयला, विद्युत तथा एलुमिनियम |
2 | रायपुर | छत्तीसगढ़ | इस्पात, लौह अयस्क, प्लाईवुड, कागज, विद्युत उत्पादन, सीमेन्ट, कृषि |
3 | भिलाई | छत्तीसगढ़ | लोहा और इस्पात, विद्युत उत्पादन, सीमेन्ट, रासायनिक उद्योग, हल्के एवं भारी उद्योग, रेलवे मार्शलिंग यार्ड, विनिर्माण एवं मशीनिंग, इलेक्ट्रॉनिकी एवं विद्युत सम्बन्धी कार्य |
4 | भिवंडी | महाराष्ट्र | वस्त्र, लॉजिस्टिक्स, लघु एवं मध्यम उद्योग |
5 | विजयवाड़ा | आन्ध्र प्रदेश | वाहनों के अवयव (पार्ट्स) |
6 | फिरोजाबाद | उत्तर प्रदेश | काच एवं चूडियों का कार्य |
7 | पन्ना | मध्य प्रदेश | हीरा उद्योग |
8 | पानीपत | हरियाणा | वस्त्रोद्योग |
9 | Channapatna | Karnataka | Wooden toys and |
11 | वाराणसी | उत्तर प्रदेश | हेण्डलूम |
12 | मुरादाबाद | Uttar Pradesh | Handicrafts |
13 | बरेली | Uttar Pradesh | हस्तशिल्प, फर्नीचर निर्माण |
14 | जमशेदपुर | Jharkhand | लोहा और इस्पात, Auto parts |
15 | भागलपुर | Bihar | Silks |
16 | तिरुपुर | Tamil Nadu | Textiles and garments |
17 | राजमुंदरी | Andhra Pradesh | Textiles, Paper, oil and gas |
18 | बोकारो स्पात नगर | Jharkhand | Steel and Coal |
19 | कोलकाता | West Bengal | Various |
20 | दुर्गापुर | West Bengal | Iron and Steel, Power, Cement, Chemicals, Heavy engineering |
21 | खडगपुर | West Bengal | Chemicals, machinery, heavy metals, Automobiles, Railways, Cement |
22 | हल्दिया | West Bengal | Petrochemical, refinery, Industrial chemicals |
23 | इन्दौर | Madhya Pradesh | garment industries |
24 | पीथमपुर | Madhya Pradesh | auto cluster, medicine, cotton yarn, auto testing treck |
25 | Belagavi | Karnataka | Hydraulics, Heavy tools, Automotive exports, Aerospace, Foundry exports, Tyres, Aluminum works, Handloom and powerloom works, Heavy Forging |
26 | डिब्रूगढ़ | Assam | Tea industries |
27 | नोयडा | Uttar Pradesh | Software |
28 | कन्नूर | Kerala | Hand-loom Exports |
29 | सलेम | Tamil Nadu | Pig Iron, Steel and Malleable Iron |
30 | शिवकाशी | Tamil Nadu | Safety Matches, Fireworks, Printing and Packaging |
31 | कानपुर | Uttar Pradesh | Leather, Chemical, Fertilizers, Iron and Steel, Detergents, Food processing Units, Aerospace, Textiles, Footwear, Electronics, Power, Automobiles, |
32 | राजकोट | Gujarat | Auto-components, Casting and Forgings, Jewelry and Agri machines |
33 | कोच्चि | Kerala | Oil refining, Petrochemicals, Ship building, Information Technology, Electronics, Chemicals, Spices, Seafood |
34 | पीन्या | Karnataka | Various |
35 | सूरत | Gujarat | Textiles, Diamond |
36 | राउरकेला | Orissa | Steel and Fertilizer |
37 | विशाखापत्तनम | Andhra Pradesh | Steel, Ship Building, Pharmaceutical, Fertilisers, Coffee, Fishing, Petrochemical, Refinery |
38 | अंगुल | Orissa | Coal, Aluminium and Electricity (Coal and Water) |
39 | रुद्रपुर | उत्तराखण्ड | वाहन, FMCG, औषधि, रसायन |
40 | अहमदाबाद | Gujarat | Automobile, Engineering, Pharmaceutical, Chemicals |
41 | गांधीनगर | Gujarat | Electronics, Laser |
42 | जामनगर | Gujarat | Brass Parts, Brass Item Manufacturing |
43 | वडोदरा | Gujarat | Transformer, electric parts, Power, oil unit |
44 | भरुच | Gujarat | Petroleum, Petrochemicals, Pharmaceutical, Chemicals, Fertilizer, Metal Fabrication, Ship Building |
45 | लुधियाना | Punjab | Bicycle Manufacturing, Bicycle parts, Metal Fabrication, machine parts, auto parts, household appliances, hosiery, apparel and garments. |
46 | पिंपरी-चिंचवाड़ | Maharashtra | Automobile, Carplants, Factories etc |
47 | मुम्बई | Maharashtra | Automobiles, Electronics, Entertainment, Finance, Logistics, textiles |
48 | बंगलुरु | Karnataka | Biotechnology, Electronics City, Information technology, Silicon Valley of India |
49 | त्रिवेन्द्रम | Kerala | Aerospace, Biotechnology, Information technology |
50 | गजरौला | Uttar Pradesh | Chemical, Food Processing Units, Drugs, Fertilisers, FMCG |
51 | उन्नाव | Uttar Pradesh | Chemical, Food Processing Units, Leather, Meat processing units, Quilt manufacturing units, Electronics |
52 | श्री सिटी | Andhra Pradesh | Automotive, Chemicals, Cosmetics, Packaging and labeling, Consumer Products, Plastics, Electrical Components. |
53 | मारगाव | Goa | Electricals, Ice Creams, Pharmaceuticals |
54 | दार्जीलिंग | पश्चिम बंगाल | चाय उद्योग |