कलकत्ता विश्वविद्यालय के लोगों की सूची

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नेविगेशन पर जाएँ खोज पर जाएँ

साँचा:mbox यह कलकत्ता विश्वविद्यालय से जुड़े उल्लेखनीय लोगों की एक सूची है

राज्य और सरकार के चौदह प्रमुख और चार नोबेल पुरस्कार विजेता [note १] विश्वविद्यालय से जुड़े रहे हैं।

शोध छात्रों


Name Affiliation Notability References
Abandindranath Tagore Vice-Principal of the Government College of Art and Craft between 1905 and 1915 artist, and one of the pioneers of the Bengal School of Art
Abdur Rahim Tagore Professor of Law
Amitava Raychaudhuri
Basanti Dulal Nagchaudhuri Palit Professor of Physics between 1953 and 1959
B. N. Mukherjee Carmichael Professor of Ancient Indian History and Culture between 1975 and 1998 historian, numismatist, epigraphist and iconographist
Biswa Ranjan Nag physicist, Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar laureate
Bhabatarak Bhattacharyya structural biologist, Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize laureate
C. V. Raman Palit Professor of Physics between 1917 and 1932 winner of the 1930 Nobel Prize in Physics [१]
D. R. Bhandarkar Carmichael Professor of Ancient Indian History and Culture between 1917 and 1936
Debendra Mohan Bose Palit Professor of Physics between 1932 and 1938
Dineshchandra Sircar Carmichael Professor of Ancient Indian History and Culture between 1962 and 1972 epigraphist, historian, numismatist and folklorist
Durga Mohan Bhattacharyya Professor of Sanskrit at the Scottish Church College Sanskrit scholar and Indologist
George Thibaut Carmichael Professor of Ancient Indian History and Culture between 1912 and 1917 Indologist
Harinath De linguist, first lecturer of the Department of Linguistics, 1907[२]
Hem Chandra Raychaudhuri Carmichael Professor of Ancient Indian History and Culture between 1936 and 1952
Jagadish Chandra Bose Professor of Physics at Presidency College
Kalidas Nag Professor of history at the Scottish Church College Member of Parliament
Khudiram Das Ramtanu Lahiri Professor of Bengali and Head of the Department of Modern Indian Languages from 1973 to 1981
Malcolm Adiseshiah Lecturer at St. Paul's Cathedral Mission College between 1930 and 1936
Meghnad Saha Palit Professor of Physics between 1938 and 1953
Mukul Dey Principal of the Government College of Art and Craft between 1928 and 1943 artist
Rajendra Prasad Professor of Economics at Calcutta City College 1st President of India
Rabindranath Tagore Ramtanu Lahiri Professor in the year 1932 Winner of the 1913 Nobel Prize in Literature [३]
Sadhan Basu
Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Professor of Philosophy occupying the King George V Chair of Mental and Moral Science between 1921 and 1932 2nd President of India
Satyendra Nath Bose Lecturer of Physics between 1916 and 1921 physicist known for his work in the field of quantum mechanics
Suniti Kumar Chatterji Khaira Professor of Indian Linguistics and Phonetics linguist, educationist, and Padma Bhushan recipient
Upendranath Brahmachari
Vishnu Kant Shastri Lecturer of Hindi Governor of Uttar Pradesh

पूर्व छात्रों


Name Class


Degree College Notability References
A. K. Fazlul Huq 1894; 1896; 1897 LLB Presidency; Faculty of Law former Home Minister of Pakistan
Ajit Kumar Panja Scottish Church
Ajoy Mukherjee former Chief Minister, West Bengal
Amar Kumar Bera M.A. (Economics) Principal CGM, Reserve Bank of India
Amir H. Jamal B. Com. former Tanzanian MP and Minister of Finance
Anugrah Narayan Sinha first Finance Minister of Bihar
Ashok Mitra former Chief Economic Adviser to the Government of India
Ashoke Kumar Sen former Minister of Law and Justice
Banwari Lal Joshi Scottish Church former Governor of Meghalaya
Basudeb Acharia Member of Parliament
Bidhan Chandra Roy Calcutta Medical College former Chief Minister of West Bengal
Bijoy Kumar Handique MA Presidency Member of Parliament
Biman Bose Maulana Azad Chairman of the Left Front in West Bengal
Bhupendra Nath Bose 29th President of the Indian National Congress
Brinda Karat
Brington Buhai Lyngdoh Scottish Church former Chief Minister of Meghalaya
Buddhadeb Bhattacharya BA Presidency former Chief Minister of West Bengal
Derek O'Brien Scottish Church Member of Parliament
Fatima Jinnah Leader of the Pakistan Movement
George Gilbert Swell Scottish Church Member of Parliament
Gopinath Bordoloi 1909; 1911; 1914 IA; BA; MA Cotton; Scottish Church former Chief Minister of Assam
Gyan Singh Sohanpal Midnapore
Harendra Coomar Mookerjee former Governor of West Bengal
Humayun Kabir former Minister of Education
Jagjivan Ram 1931 BSc former Deputy Prime Minister of India
Jharna Das Member of Parliament
Jyoti Basu former Chief Minister of West Bengal
K. S. Hegde Presidency former Speaker of the Lok Sabha
M. J. Akbar Member of Parliament
Madan Mohan Malaviya B.A. former President of the Indian National Congress
Mamata Banerjee former Chief Minister of West Bengal
Mohammad Hamid Ansari St. Xavier's former Vice President of India
Mohammed Salim Maulana Azad Member of Parliament
Prafulla Chandra Sen BSc Scottish Church former Chief Minister of West Bengal
Priya Ranjan Dasmunsi former Minister of Information and Broadcasting
Romesh Chunder Dutt 16th President of the Indian National Congress
Ronen Sen St. Xavier's former Ambassador of India to the United States
Sarat Chandra Bose Indian independence activist and lawyer
Siddhartha Shankar Ray former Chief Minister of West Bengal
Somnath Chatterjee Speaker of the Lok Sabha
Subhas Chandra Bose 1918 BA (Philosophy) Scottish Church 53rd President of the Indian National Congress; founder of the Forward Bloc
Subrata Mukherjee
Sultan Ahmed Maulana Azad Member of Parliament
Susmita Bauri Member of Parliament
Surendranath Banerjee Presidency 11th President of the Indian National Congress
Syama Prasad Mookerjee
Tarak Nath Das Scottish Church revolutionary

सिविल सेवक और राजनयिक

नाम कक्षा


डिग्री कॉलेज प्रसिद्धि संदर्भ
बिनय रंजन सेन स्कॉटिश चर्च संयुक्त राज्य में भारत के पूर्व राजदूत
अज़ीज़ुल हक़ बंगाल विधानसभा के पूर्व अध्यक्ष (1937-42); शिक्षा मंत्री (बंगाल सरकार); कलकत्ता विश्वविद्यालय के पूर्व कुलपति (1938-42); लंदन में भारत के उच्चायुक्त (1942-43)
ब्रजेंद्रनाथ डे आईसीएस, बर्दवान के आयुक्त
चंदेश्वर प्रसाद नारायण सिंह नेपाल, जापान, पंजाब और उत्तर प्रदेश के राज्यपाल के लिए भारत के राजदूत
गुरुसादय दत्त आईसीएस, स्थानीय स्व सरकार और बंगाल के सार्वजनिक स्वास्थ्य सचिव
नितीश सेनगुप्ता
पीसी भट्टाचार्य रक्षा लेखा महानियंत्रक
सत्येंद्रनाथ टैगोर भारत के राजस्व सचिव
शाइस्ता सुहरावर्दी इकरामुल्लाह मोरक्को में पाकिस्तान के राजदूत
सिब चंद्र देब बंगाल में डिप्टी कलेक्टर
सुकुमार सेन ICS, भारत के मुख्य चुनाव आयुक्त

रॉयल्टी और नोबेलिटी

नाम कक्षा


डिग्री कॉलेज प्रसिद्धि संदर्भ
नृपेन्द्र नारायण प्रेसीडेंसी [note २] कूच बिहार राज्य के महाराजा
उदय चंद महताब बर्दवान का जमींदार


नाम कक्षा


डिग्री कॉलेज प्रसिद्धि संदर्भ
एबी मसिलामणि श्रीरामपुर इंजीलवादी और धर्मशास्त्री, कनाडाई बैपटिस्ट मिशन
एसी भक्तिवेदांत स्वामी प्रभुपाद स्कॉटिश चर्च संस्थापक, कृष्णा चेतना के लिए इंटरनेशनल सोसायटी
दुर्गा मोहन दास ब्रह्म समाज के नेता
लाल बिहारी डे स्कॉटिश चर्च फ्री चर्च ऑफ स्कॉटलैंड के धर्मशास्त्री
महेंद्रनाथ गुप्ता 1874 बी 0 ए प्रेसीडेंसी [note २] श्री श्री रामकृष्ण कथामृत ( श्री रामकृष्ण का सुसमाचार ) के लेखक
परमहंस योगानंद स्कॉटिश चर्च ; श्रीरामपुर हिंदू रहस्यवादी; योगी; पश्चिम में क्रिया योग के प्रमुख प्रस्तावक
सीतानाथ ततवभूषण स्कॉटिश चर्च साधरण ब्रह्म समाज के धर्मशास्त्री
स्वामी गंभीरानंद स्कॉटिश चर्च रामकृष्ण मिशन आदेश के पूर्व अध्यक्ष
स्वामी विवेकानंद स्कॉटिश चर्च रामकृष्ण मिशन ऑर्डर के संस्थापक

विज्ञान और तकनीक

Name Class


Degree College Notability References
Amar Nath Bhaduri enzymologist, Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar laureate [४]
Amitabha Bhattacharyya production engineer, Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar laureate[५]
Amitabha Mukhopadhyay cell biologist, Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar laureate [६]
Anil Kumar Gain Surendranath mathematician and statistician; founder of Vidyasagar University
Anil Kumar Mandal 1981 MBBS Nil Ratan Sircar ophthalmologist, Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar laureate [७]
Ashesh Prosad Mitra Bangabasi former Director of CSIR
Biman Bagchi 1974; 1976 Presidency theoretical physicist, Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar laureate[८]
Birendra Nath Mallick 1978; 1981 B.Sc. neurobiologist, Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar laureate [९]
Biraja Sankar Guha Scottish Church first Director of the Anthropological Survey of India
Biswarup Mukhopadhyaya PhD theoretical high energy physicist, Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar laureate[१०]
C. R. Rao 1943 MA in Statistics statistician
Chinmoy Sankar Dey molecular biologist, Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar laureate [११]
Deb Shankar Ray physical chemist, Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar laureate [१२]
Dipak K. Das Professor of surgery, now under investigation for fraudulent publications [१३]
Ganesh Prasad mathematician
Jagadish Chandra Bose physicist, botanist
Jamal Nazrul Islam B.Sc. St. Xavier's physicist, mathematician, cosmologist, astronomer
Joyoti Basu cell biologist, N-Bios laureate [१४]
Jyoti Bhusan Chatterjea hematologist, Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar laureate [१५]
Kshitindramohan Naha, geologist and Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar laureate[१६] Presidency
Mani Lal Bhaumik B.Sc. Scottish Church physicist
Megh Nad Saha Presidency physicist
Mihir Chowdhury 1955; 1957 physical chemist, Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar laureate[१७]
Mihir Kumar Bose 1965 B.Sc.; M.Sc.; Ph.D. geologist and Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar laureate[१८]
Nirmal Kumar Dutta MBBS Calcutta Medical College pharmacologist, Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar laureate[१९]
Nirmal Kumar Ganguly R. G. Kar[note ३] microbilogist
P. V. Manoranjan Rao physicist, space scientist
Pradyut Ghosh 1990; 1992 inorganic chemist, Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar laureate[२०]
Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis founder of the Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta
Radhanath Sikdar mathematician best known for calculating the height of Mount Everest
Rahul Banerjee 1998; 2000 chemist and Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar laureate[२१]
S. C. Dutta Roy electrical engineer, Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar laureate[२२]
Sadhan Basu physical chemist, Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar laureate[२३]
Sagar Sengupta cancer biologist, N-Bios laureate[२४]
Sanjeev Das cancer biologist, Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar laureate [२५]
Santasabuj Das immunologist, N-Bios laureate [२६]
Satyendra Nath Bose 1913; 1915 BSc; MSc physicist, co-discoverer of Bose–Einstein statistics
Saumitra Das 1992 PhD virologist, N-Bios laureate, and [२७]
Snehasikta Swarnakar cancer biologist, N-Bios laureate[२८]
Soorjo Coomar Goodeve Chuckerbutty Calcutta Medical College
Soumen Basak immunologist, N-Bios laureate[२९]
Soumitro Banerjee 1981 electrical engineer, Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar laureate[३०]
Srinivasan Ramachandran bioinformatician, N-Bios laureate[३१]
Subhash Chandra Lakhotia 1964 1966 cytogeneticist, Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar laureate[३२]
Subhash Mukhopadhyay 1955; 1958 Calcutta National Medical[note ४] first physician in India (and second in the world) to perform in vitro fertilization
Subir Kumar Ghosh BSc; MSc; PhD Presidency geologist and Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar laureate[३३]
Sumit Bhaduri organic chemist, Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar laureate[३४]
Sumit Ranjan Das high energy physicist, Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar laureate[३५]
Sunil Kumar Manna immunologist, N-Bios laureate[३६]
Upendranath Brahmachari 1893; 1894; 1900; 1902; 1904 MD; PhD Presidency; Calcutta Medical College[note ५]
Usha Ranjan Ghatak 1953 BSc; MSc Asutosh synthetic organic chemist, Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar laureate[३७]
Vikram Marwah 1948 Calcutta Medical College


नाम कक्षा


डिग्री कॉलेज प्रसिद्धि संदर्भ
छन्द गायन पर्वतारोही, माउंट एवरेस्ट पर चढ़ने वाली पहली बंगाली महिला
चूनी गोस्वामी भारतीय फुटबॉल टीम के पूर्व कप्तान
गूर्गोपाल घोष स्कॉटिश चर्च मोहन बागान क्लब के लिए फुटबॉल खिलाड़ी
लिएंडर पेस सेंट जेवियर्स पूर्व ओलंपिक कांस्य पदक विजेता; विंबलडन और फ्रेंच ओपन युगल चैंपियन
नॉर्मन प्रिचर्ड सेंट जेवियर्स पूर्व ओलंपिक रजत पदक विजेता
प्रदीप कुमार बनर्जी सूरी विद्यासागर [note ६] फुटबॉलर
सेलन मन्ना सुरेन्द्रनाथ 1948 में लंदन ओलंपिक में भारतीय फुटबॉल टीम के कप्तान; 1951 के एशियाई खेलों में स्वर्ण पदक विजेता
सौरव गांगुली सेंट जेवियर्स भारत क्रिकेट टीम के पूर्व कप्तान
सुनील छेत्री आशुतोष भारतीय फुटबॉल टीम के कप्तान
सूर्य शेखर गांगुली स्कॉटिश चर्च शतरंज ग्रैंडमास्टर, राष्ट्रीय शतरंज चैंपियन
तालिमेरन ए.ओ. आरजी कर [note ३] 1948 के ओलंपिक खेलों में भारतीय फुटबॉल टीम के पूर्व कप्तान
वेस पेस पूर्व ओलंपिक हॉकी खिलाड़ी


  1. स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "citation/CS1" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है।
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  3. स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "citation/CS1" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है।
  4. Samir Bhattacharya (10 September 2003). "Amar Nath Bhaduri – Obituary" (PDF). Current Science. 85 (5). Archived from the original (PDF) on 28 अगस्त 2004. Retrieved 10 नवंबर 2020. {{cite journal}}: Check date values in: |access-date= and |archive-date= (help)
  5. स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "citation/CS1" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है।
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  8. Bagchi, Biman (2015). "Autobiography of Biman Bagchi". J. Phys. Chem. B. 119 (34): 10813–10816. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcb.5b06114. PMID 26310133.
  9. स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "citation/CS1" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है।
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  11. स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "citation/CS1" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है।
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  41. स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "citation/CS1" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है।
  42. स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "citation/CS1" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है।
  43. स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "citation/CS1" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है।
  44. स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "citation/CS1" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है।

Top 5 Universities of India in 2020 स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "webarchive" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है।


48 Top 5 Universities of India स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "webarchive" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है। in 2020

सन्दर्भ त्रुटि: "note" नामक सन्दर्भ-समूह के लिए <ref> टैग मौजूद हैं, परन्तु समूह के लिए कोई <references group="note"/> टैग नहीं मिला। यह भी संभव है कि कोई समाप्ति </ref> टैग गायब है।