नेविगेशन पर जाएँ
खोज पर जाएँ
कम तापमान पर उत्सर्जित होने वाले प्रकाश को संदीप्ति (Luminescence) कहते हैं। यह वस्तुतः 'शीत वस्तु विकिरण' (cold body radiation) का एक प्रकार है।
संदीप्ति के प्रकार
- जीवदीप्ति (Bioluminescence) - by a living organism
- रासायनिक संदीप्ति (Chemoluminescence) - resulting of a chemical reaction
- विद्युतरासायनिकसम्दीप्ति (Electrochemiluminescence) - by an electrochemical reaction
- Crystalloluminescence, produced during crystallization
- विद्युतसंदीप्ति (Electroluminescence) - in response to an electric current passed through it
- कैथोडसंदीप्ति (Cathodoluminescence) - where beam of electrons impacts on a luminescent material such as a phosphor
- यांत्रिकसंदीप्ति (Mechanoluminescence) - resulting from any mechanical action on a solid
- Triboluminescence, generated when bonds in a material are broken when that material is scratched, crushed, or rubbed
- Fractoluminescence, generated when bonds in certain crystals are broken by fractures
- Piezoluminescence, produced by the action of pressure on certain solids[१]
- प्रकाशसंदीप्ति (Photoluminescence), absorption of photons causing re-radiation of photons
- स्फुरदीप्ति (Phosphorescence) - delayed re-radiation
- प्रतिदीप्ति (Fluorescence) - where the emitted photons are of lower energy than those absorbed
- रेडियोसंदीप्ति (Radioluminescence) - produced in a material by the bombardment of ionizing radiation
- ध्वनिसंदीप्ति (Sonoluminescence) - from imploding bubbles in a liquid when excited by sound
- तापसंदीप्ति (Thermoluminescence) - when absorbed light is re-emitted on heating.
- Light Emitting Diode's (LED's) emit light via electroluminescence
- Phosphors, emitting light when irradiated by higher-energy electromagnetic radiation or particle radiation
- Phosphor thermometry, phosphorescence can be used to detect the temperature of an object.
इन्हें भी देखें
- प्रकाश स्रोतों की सूची
- प्रदीप्ति (Illumination)
बाहरी कड़ियाँ
- Luminescence chart
- Luminescence on Scienceworld
- Fluorophores.org The database of luminescent dyes स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "webarchive" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है।
- Luminiscent microspheres