
मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से
< hiwiki:सम्मेलन
imported>Capankajsmilyo द्वारा परिवर्तित ०२:४७, ९ अक्टूबर २०१७ का अवतरण (→‎Registered Participants: +)
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नेविगेशन पर जाएँ खोज पर जाएँ

This Page is for reports, best practices and learning's from Hindi Wikipedia Activities.

First Meet-up report : January 2015

We met on 17th and 18th January 2015 to plan broader basic-introductory meet on 14th and 15th February.

Participants :

  • Abhinav Srivastva
  • Abhishek Suryawanshi
  • Ashish Bhatnagar
  • Aniruddha Kumar

Discussed things :

  • Asaf suggestions analysis.
  • Plan two day small meeting for active contributors.
  • 14th and 15th February finalised after community consultation on hi.wikipedia.org
  • Selection of appropriate venue for 14th and 15th February meeting. Everyone is comfortable with Delhi.
  • Logistic management (hotel,conference room, local transport etc)
  • Basic agenda and flow of two day event.

Challenges :

  • Hotels with vacant rooms dont have conference room facility and hotels with available conference rooms dont have enough rooms on 14th and 15th.
  • We need financial help to manage scholarships and logistics.

Action :

  • We visited several hotels and conference rooms to get quotations.
  • Follow-up with existing editors (central notice about meet-up page s active on all Hindi Wikipedia pages))
  • Basic budget draft is ready.

What Next :

  • Plan time-line for two day workshop on 14th and 15th February.
  • Finalise venue and list of participants.
  • Submit grant for approval.
  • Community follow-up for review of designed program.

Second Meet-up report : Feb 2015

We met on 14th and 15th February 2015. This was first major event in Hindi Wikipedia Community.

Registered Participants

Sr.No Username Name City State
संजीव कुमार संजीव कुमार जयपुर राजस्थान
Manojkhurana मनोज खुराना चंडीगढ़ चंडीगढ़
अनिरुद्ध सदस्य:अनिरुद्ध दिल्ली दिल्ली
आशीष भटनागर आशीष भटनागर दिल्ली दिल्ली
अजीत कुमार तिवारी दिल्ली दिल्ली
Dr.jagdish डॉ० जगदीश दिल्ली दिल्ली
हिंदुस्थान वासी पीयूष (कृपया बताएँ) उत्तर प्रदेश
Hindustanilanguage मुज़म्मिल हैदराबाद तेलंगाना
AbhiSuryawanshi अभिषेक सूर्यवंशी पुणे महाराष्ट्र
१० Satdeep gill स्तदीप गिल पटियाला पंजाब
११ अहमद निसार निसार अहमद पुणे महाराष्ट्र
११ Amitprabhakar अमित प्रभाकर सिंगापुर सिंगापुर
१२ Swarntabh स्वर्णताभ दिल्ली दिल्ली
१३ Anjalipatwal अंजलि पटवाल दिल्ली दिल्ली
१४ Niyati Niyati Thakur दिल्ली दिल्ली
१५ NehalDaveND नेहल दवे अहमदाबाद गुजरात
१६ राम प्रसाद जोशी राम प्रसाद जोशी ?? ??
१७ Dr. ashok shukla लखनऊ उत्तर प्रदेश
१८ Niyati thakur Niyati दिल्ली दिल्ली
१९ Sandhya2012 अश्वनी शुक्ला दिल्ली दिल्ली
२० Nishant k. pandey निशांत पाण्डेय दिल्ली दिल्ली
२१ theshubhamv शुभम वर्मा विदिशा मध्य प्रदेश
२२ Charan Gill Charan Gill पटियाला पंजाब
२३ MKar मृत्युञ्जय कर अनुगुल ओड़िशा
२४ Abhinav619 अभिनव दिल्ली दिल्ली
२४ c2900i आकश शुक्ला लखनऊ उत्तर प्रदेश

Discussed things :

  • Policy Discussions (Socket puppets and minor things)
  • Wikipedia Education Program for Hindi.
  • Strategy planning for Hindi Workshops.
  • History, past and Future of Hindi Wikipedia.
  • Discussions about possible collaboration with government as well as institutes.
  • Hindi Sammelan Planning.
  • CIS - WMIN Structure and how Hindi Wikipedians can work with movement partners.

Challenges :

  • Contacting old members.
  • Finalizing venue with cheaper rates.
  • Pre-event on Wiki Discussion Management.

What Next :

  • Wikipedia Education Program for Hindi
  • Sammelan preparations in the background.
  • On-wiki discussion about policies.
  • Community follow-up for review of designed program.
  • Next tentative meet-up in Mid-May.