नेविगेशन पर जाएँ
खोज पर जाएँ
This Page is for reports, best practices and learning's from Hindi Wikipedia Activities.
First Meet-up report : January 2015
We met on 17th and 18th January 2015 to plan broader basic-introductory meet on 14th and 15th February.
Participants :
- Abhinav Srivastva
- Abhishek Suryawanshi
- Ashish Bhatnagar
- Aniruddha Kumar
Discussed things :
- Asaf suggestions analysis.
- Plan two day small meeting for active contributors.
- 14th and 15th February finalised after community consultation on hi.wikipedia.org
- Selection of appropriate venue for 14th and 15th February meeting. Everyone is comfortable with Delhi.
- Logistic management (hotel,conference room, local transport etc)
- Basic agenda and flow of two day event.
Challenges :
- Hotels with vacant rooms dont have conference room facility and hotels with available conference rooms dont have enough rooms on 14th and 15th.
- We need financial help to manage scholarships and logistics.
Action :
- We visited several hotels and conference rooms to get quotations.
- Follow-up with existing editors (central notice about meet-up page s active on all Hindi Wikipedia pages))
- Basic budget draft is ready.
What Next :
- Plan time-line for two day workshop on 14th and 15th February.
- Finalise venue and list of participants.
- Submit grant for approval.
- Community follow-up for review of designed program.
Second Meet-up report : Feb 2015
We met on 14th and 15th February 2015. This was first major event in Hindi Wikipedia Community.
Registered Participants
Sr.No | Username | Name | City | State |
१ | संजीव कुमार | संजीव कुमार | जयपुर | राजस्थान |
२ | Manojkhurana | मनोज खुराना | चंडीगढ़ | चंडीगढ़ |
३ | अनिरुद्ध | सदस्य:अनिरुद्ध | दिल्ली | दिल्ली |
४ | आशीष भटनागर | आशीष भटनागर | दिल्ली | दिल्ली |
५ | अजीत कुमार तिवारी | दिल्ली | दिल्ली | |
६ | Dr.jagdish | डॉ० जगदीश | दिल्ली | दिल्ली |
७ | हिंदुस्थान वासी | पीयूष | (कृपया बताएँ) | उत्तर प्रदेश |
८ | Hindustanilanguage | मुज़म्मिल | हैदराबाद | तेलंगाना |
९ | AbhiSuryawanshi | अभिषेक सूर्यवंशी | पुणे | महाराष्ट्र |
१० | Satdeep gill | स्तदीप गिल | पटियाला | पंजाब |
११ | अहमद निसार | निसार अहमद | पुणे | महाराष्ट्र |
११ | Amitprabhakar | अमित प्रभाकर | सिंगापुर | सिंगापुर |
१२ | Swarntabh | स्वर्णताभ | दिल्ली | दिल्ली |
१३ | Anjalipatwal | अंजलि पटवाल | दिल्ली | दिल्ली |
१४ | Niyati | Niyati Thakur | दिल्ली | दिल्ली |
१५ | NehalDaveND | नेहल दवे | अहमदाबाद | गुजरात |
१६ | राम प्रसाद जोशी | राम प्रसाद जोशी | ?? | ?? |
१७ | Dr. ashok shukla | लखनऊ | उत्तर प्रदेश | |
१८ | Niyati thakur | Niyati | दिल्ली | दिल्ली |
१९ | Sandhya2012 | अश्वनी शुक्ला | दिल्ली | दिल्ली |
२० | Nishant k. pandey | निशांत पाण्डेय | दिल्ली | दिल्ली |
२१ | theshubhamv | शुभम वर्मा | विदिशा | मध्य प्रदेश |
२२ | Charan Gill | Charan Gill | पटियाला | पंजाब |
२३ | MKar | मृत्युञ्जय कर | अनुगुल | ओड़िशा |
२४ | Abhinav619 | अभिनव | दिल्ली | दिल्ली |
२४ | c2900i | आकश शुक्ला | लखनऊ | उत्तर प्रदेश |
Discussed things :
- Policy Discussions (Socket puppets and minor things)
- Wikipedia Education Program for Hindi.
- Strategy planning for Hindi Workshops.
- History, past and Future of Hindi Wikipedia.
- Discussions about possible collaboration with government as well as institutes.
- Hindi Sammelan Planning.
- CIS - WMIN Structure and how Hindi Wikipedians can work with movement partners.
Challenges :
- Contacting old members.
- Finalizing venue with cheaper rates.
- Pre-event on Wiki Discussion Management.
What Next :
- Wikipedia Education Program for Hindi
- Sammelan preparations in the background.
- On-wiki discussion about policies.
- Community follow-up for review of designed program.
- Next tentative meet-up in Mid-May.