hiwiki:IPA for Japanese

मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से
नेविगेशन पर जाएँ खोज पर जाएँ

The charts below show the way in which the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) represents Japanese language and Okinawan pronunciations in Wikipedia articles. Sounds occurring only as allophones are included for narrow transcription.

See Japanese phonology for a more thorough discussion of the sounds of Japanese.

Examples in the charts are Japanese words transliterated according to the Hepburn romanization system.

IPA Japanese example English approximation
साँचा:square bracket openघोष द्वयोष्ठ्य स्पर्श|b]]साँचा:yesno basho bog
साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless palatal fricative|ç]]साँचा:yesno hito hero
साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless alveolo-palatal sibilant|ɕ]]साँचा:yesno shita, shugo sheep
साँचा:square bracket openvoiced alveolar plosive|d]]साँचा:yesno dōmo dome
साँचा:square bracket openvoiced alveolar affricate|dz]]साँचा:yesno, साँचा:square bracket openvoiced alveolar sibilant|z]]साँचा:yesno[१] zazen zen, rods
साँचा:square bracket openvoiced alveolo-palatal affricate|dʑ]]साँचा:yesno, साँचा:square bracket openvoiced alveolo-palatal sibilant|ʑ]]साँचा:yesno[१] jibun, gojū gelatin, fusion
साँचा:square bracket openअघोष द्वयोष्ठ्य संघर्षी|ɸ]]साँचा:yesno fugu food
(lips don't touch teeth, more like blowing out a candle)
साँचा:square bracket openvoiced velar plosive|ɡ]]साँचा:yesno gakusei gape
साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless glottal fricative|h]]साँचा:yesno hon hone
साँचा:square bracket openpalatal approximant|j]]साँचा:yesno yakusha, kyū yak
साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless velar plosive|k]]साँचा:yesno kuru skate
साँचा:square bracket openbilabial nasal|m]]साँचा:yesno mikan much
साँचा:square bracket openवर्त्स्य नासिक्य|n]]साँचा:yesno nattō not
साँचा:square bracket openअलिजिह्वीय नासिक्य|ɴ]]साँचा:yesno nihon long
साँचा:square bracket openकण्ठ्य नासिक्य|ŋ]]साँचा:yesno ringo finger
साँचा:square bracket openअघोष द्वयोष्ठ्य स्पर्श|p]]साँचा:yesno pan span
साँचा:square bracket openमूर्धन्य उत्क्षिप्त|ɽ]]साँचा:yesno[२] roku close to /t/ in auto in American English,
or between lock and Scottish rock ([l] and [ɾ]).
साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless alveolar sibilant|s]]साँचा:yesno suru sue
साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless alveolar plosive|t]]साँचा:yesno taberu tan
साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless alveolar affricate|ts]]साँचा:yesno tsunami cats
साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless alveolo-palatal affricate|tɕ]]साँचा:yesno chikai, kinchō itch
[३] wasabi was
साँचा:square bracket openglottal stop|ʔ]]साँचा:yesno (in Ryukyu languages) oh-oh!
IPA Japanese example English approximation
साँचा:square bracket openopen front unrounded vowel|a]]साँचा:yesno aru father
साँचा:square bracket openclose-mid front unrounded vowel|e]]साँचा:yesno eki met[४]
साँचा:square bracket openclose front unrounded vowel|i]]साँचा:yesno iru need
yoshi, shita (almost silent)
साँचा:square bracket openclose-mid back rounded vowel|o]]साँचा:yesno oniisan cold
[५] unagi closest to boot
u͍̥[५] desu, sukiyaki (almost silent)

IPA Japanese examples English examples
ː long vowel:
double consonant:
big gram (compare big ram)
tone drops:

kaꜜki (oyster), kakiꜜ (fence)[६]


  1. The fricative [z]~[ʑ] is in free variation with the affricate [dz]~[]. Usually, this is represented phonemically as /z/.
  2. The Japanese r varies between a postalveolar flap [ɽ] and an alveolar lateral flap [ɺ].
  3. The Japanese w is not equivalent to a typical IPA [w] since it is pronounced with lip compression rather than rounding. The labial spreading diacritic is an extended IPA character.
  4. The Japanese /e/ doesn't quite line up with any English vowel, though the nearest equivalents are the vowel of pay (for most English dialects) and the vowel of met; the Japanese vowel is usually articulated at a point between the two.
  5. There is no simple symbol in the IPA for Japanese u, which is neither rounded [u] nor unrounded [ɯ], but compressed [ɯ͡β̞]. The labial spreading diacritic is an extended IPA character.
  6. The position of this downstep, which does not occur in all words, varies between dialects, and frequently is not indicated. The downstep is a drop in pitch; the word rises in pitch before the . When occurs after the final syllable of a word, any attached grammatical particles will have low tone.