hiwiki:IPA for Irish
[दिखाएँ]विकिपिडिया: आई॰ पी॰ ए॰ |
The charts below show the way in which the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) represents Irish language pronunciations in Wikipedia articles.
See Irish phonology for detailed discussion of the phonology of Irish.
Consonants | |||||
broad[१] | slender[२] | English approximations | |||
IPA | Example | IPA | Example | ||
bˠ | bain, scuab | bʲ | béal, cnáib | boot; beautiful | |
d̪ˠ | dorn, nead | dʲ | dearg, cuid | do (but dental), though in Hiberno-English; dew | |
fˠ | fós, graf pholl |
fʲ | fíon, stuif phríosún |
fool; fuel | |
साँचा:square bracket openvoiced velar plosive|ɡ]]साँचा:yesno | gasúr, bog | साँचा:square bracket openघोष तालव्य स्पर्श|ɟ]]साँचा:yesno | geata, carraig | goose; argue | |
साँचा:square bracket openvoiced velar fricative|ɣ]]साँचा:yesno | dhorn ghasúr |
साँचा:square bracket openpalatal approximant|j]]साँचा:yesno | dhearg gheata |
(no equivalent); yellow | |
साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless glottal fricative|h]]साँचा:yesno[३] | Shasana, shean thaisce, theanga hata, na héisc |
hand | |||
साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless velar plosive|k]]साँचा:yesno | cáis, mac | साँचा:square bracket openअघोष तालव्य स्पर्श|c]]साँचा:yesno | ceist, mic | coot; cute | |
l̪ˠ[४] | labhair, balla | l̠ʲ[४] | leabhair, goilleadh | filth; mulch | |
lˠ[४] | fhlaith, bealach | lʲ[४] | fhleasc, goile | pool; leaf | |
mˠ | mór, am | mʲ | milis, im | moot; mute | |
n̪ˠ[५] | naoi, donna | n̠ʲ[५] | ní, bainne | tenth; inch | |
nˠ[५] | dona | nʲ[५] | bainis | noon; new | |
साँचा:square bracket openकण्ठ्य नासिक्य|ŋ]]साँचा:yesno | ngasúr | साँचा:square bracket openतालव्य नासिक्य|ɲ]]साँचा:yesno | ngeata | long; angular | |
pˠ | poll, stop | pʲ | príosún, truip | poor; pure | |
ɾˠ | rí, cuairt, barr, cairr | ɾʲ | fhréamh, tirim | rule (but tapped); real (but tapped) | |
sˠ | Sasana, tús, speal | ʃ | sean, cáis | soon; sheet | |
t̪ˠ | taisce, ceart | tʲ | tír, beirt | tool (but dental), thorn in Hiberno-English; tune | |
साँचा:square bracket openvoiced labio-velar approximant|w]]साँचा:yesno[६] | bhain, dubh mhór, léamh vóta |
vʲ | bhéal, sibh mhilis, nimh veidhlín |
woo; view | |
साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless velar fricative|x]]साँचा:yesno | cháis, taoiseach | साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless palatal fricative|ç]]साँचा:yesno | cheist, deich | loch (Scottish English); hue (pronounced strongly) |
Vowels | |||
IPA | Examples | English approximation | |
साँचा:square bracket openopen front unrounded vowel|a]]साँचा:yesno | mac | trap | |
aː | tá | llama | |
साँचा:square bracket openopen-mid front unrounded vowel|ɛ]]साँचा:yesno | ceist | best | |
eː | mé, Gael | pay | |
साँचा:square bracket opennear-close near-front unrounded vowel|ɪ]]साँचा:yesno | ith, duine | kit | |
iː | mín | mean | |
साँचा:square bracket openopen-mid back rounded vowel|ɔ]]साँचा:yesno | olc, deoch | cloth | |
oː | bó, ceol | roll | |
साँचा:square bracket opennear-close near-back vowel|ʊ]]साँचा:yesno | dubh, fliuch | good | |
uː | tú | too | |
साँचा:square bracket openmid-central vowel|ə]]साँचा:yesno | solas, milis | sofa | |
iə | bia | fear (non-rhotic accent) | |
uə | fuar | tour (non-rhotic accent) | |
əi | saghas | light | |
əu | leabhar | about |
Supersegmentals | ||
IPA | Explanation | |
ˈ | Primary stress (placed before the stressed syllable); usually the first syllable except in Munster | |
ˌ | Secondary stress (usually found only in compounds) |
Comparison to other phonetic transcription schemes
Materials published elsewhere use somewhat different conventions from those used at Wikipedia. For example, it is a longstanding tradition to leave velarized ("broad") consonants unmarked and mark palatalized ("slender") consonants with the prime, although this is not standard IPA usage.
This section compares the IPA system used at Wikipedia (which is based on that used by Ailbhe Ní Chasaide in her description of Irish in the Handbook of the International Phonetic Association, ISBN 0-521-63751-1) with the system used in some other works.
IPA | Ní Chasaide (1999)[७] (Gweedore) |
Quiggin (1906)[८] (Glenties) |
Breatnach (1947)[९] (Ring) |
Ó Sé (2000)[१०] (Dingle Peninsula) |
Mhac an Fhailigh (1968)[११] (Erris) |
Ó Siadhail (1988)[१२] (Cois Fhairrge) |
Foclóir Póca (1993)[१३] (Lárchanúint) |
a | a | æ, α | a | a | a | æ:, a: | a |
aː | æ | α: | a: | ɑː | a: | ɑ: | a: |
bˠ | bˠ | b | b | b | b | b | b |
bʲ | bʲ | b′ | b′ | b′ | b′ | b′ | b′ |
c | c | k′ | k′ | k′ | k′ | k′ | k′ |
ç | ç | ç | ç | x′ | ç | x′ | x′ |
d̪ˠ | d̪ˠ | d | d | d | d | d | d |
dʲ | d̠ʲ | d′ | d′ | d′ | d′ | d′ | d′ |
eː | e | e: | e: | eː | e: | e: | e: |
ɛ | ɛ | ɛ, e | e | e | e | e | e |
ə | ə | ə | ə | ə, ɪ | ə | ə | ə |
əi | — | αi | əi | ai | əi | ai | ai |
əu | au | αu | əu | ou | əu | au | au |
fˠ | fˠ | f | f | f | f | f | f |
fʲ | fʲ | f′ | f′ | f′ | f′ | f′ | f′ |
ɡ | ɡ | g | g | ɡ | g | g | g |
ɣ | ɣ | ℊ | γ | ɣ | ɣ | ɣ | γ |
h | h | h | h, h′ | h | h | h | h |
iː | i | i: | i: | iː | i: | i: | i: |
ɪ | ɪ | ï, i, y | i | i | i | i | i |
iə | ia | iə | iə | iːə | iə | i:ə | iə |
j | j | j | j | ɣ′ | j | ɣ′ | γ′ |
ɟ | ɟ | g′ | g′ | ɡ′ | g′ | g′ | g′ |
k | k | k | k | k | k | k | k |
l̪ˠ | l̪ˠ | L | l | l | L | L | l |
lˠ | l | l | |||||
l̠ʲ | l̠ʲ | L′ | l′ | l′ | L′ | L′ | l′ |
lʲ | l | l′ | l′ | l′ | |||
mˠ | mˠ | m | m | m | m | m | m |
mʲ | mʲ | m′ | m′ | m′ | m′ | m′ | m′ |
n̪ˠ | n̪ˠ | N | n | n | N | N | n |
nˠ | n | n | n | ||||
n̠ʲ | n̠ʲ | N′ | n′ | n′ | N′ | N′ | n′ |
nʲ | n′ | n′ | n′ | ||||
ɲ | ɲ | ɲ | ŋ′ | ŋ′ | ŋ′ | ŋ′ | ŋ′ |
ŋ | ŋ | ŋ | ŋ | ŋ | ŋ | ŋ | ŋ |
oː | o | o:, ɔ: | o: | oː | o: | o: | o: |
ɔ | ʌ | ɔ, o̤ | o | o | o | o | o |
pˠ | pˠ | p | p | p | p | p | p |
pʲ | pʲ | p′ | p′ | p′ | p′ | p′ | p′ |
ɾˠ | ɾˠ | r, R | r | r | r | r | r |
ɾʲ | ɾʲ | r′ | r′ | r′ | r′ | r′ | r′ |
sˠ | sˠ | s | s | s | s | s | s |
ʃ | ɕ | ʃ | ʃ | ʃ | ʃ | s′ | s′ |
t̪ˠ | t̪ˠ | t | t | t | t | t | |
tʲ | t̠ʲ | t′ | t′ | t′ | t′ | t′ | t′ |
uː | u | u: | u: | uː | u: | u: | u: |
ʊ | ɤ | U | u | u | u | u | u |
uə | ua | uə | uə | uːə | uə | u:ə | uə |
vʲ | vʲ | v | v′ | v′ | v′ | w′ | v′ |
w | w | w | v | v | w | w | v |
x | x | χ | x | x | x | x | x |
- ↑ Irish makes contrasts between velarized ("broad") and palatalized ("slender") consonants. Velarized consonants, denoted in the IPA by a superscript ‹ˠ›, are pronounced with the back of the tongue raised toward the velum, which happens to the /l/ in English pill in some accents, like RP and General American, but not in Hiberno-English. In Irish orthography, broad consonants are surrounded by the letters ‹a›, ‹o›, ‹u›.
- ↑ "Slender" (palatalized) consonants, denoted in the IPA by a superscript ‹ʲ›, are pronounced with the body of the tongue raised toward the hard palate, in a manner similar to the articulation of the ‹y› sound in yes. In Irish orthography, slender consonants are surrounded by the letters ‹e›, ‹i›.
- ↑ /h/ is neither broad nor slender.
- ↑ इस तक ऊपर जायें: अ आ इ ई Few if any modern dialects of Irish distinguish all four types of "l" sound. Most dialects have merged /l̪ˠ/ and /lˠ/ as /l̪ˠ/, and some have also merged /l̠ʲ/ and /lʲ/ as /lʲ/. Still others have merged /lˠ/ and /lʲ/ as /l/.
- ↑ इस तक ऊपर जायें: अ आ इ ई Few if any modern dialects of Irish distinguish all four types of "n" sound. Most dialects have merged /n̪ˠ/ and /nˠ/ as [n̪ˠ], and some have also merged /n̠ʲ/ and /nʲ/ as [nʲ]. Still others have merged /nˠ/ and /nʲ/ as [n]. In parts of Munster, /n̠ʲ/ has merged with /ɲ/ in non-initial position.
- ↑ Also /vˠ/ in some positions in some dialects.
- ↑ साँचा:cite book
- ↑ साँचा:cite book
- ↑ साँचा:cite book
- ↑ साँचा:cite book
- ↑ साँचा:cite book
- ↑ साँचा:cite book
- ↑ साँचा:cite book