
मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से
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Evolution-tasks.png To-do list for :साँचा:Todobox.

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साँचा:Todobox/to do


This template puts a To-do list on the right, in the style of an infobox. It is a hybrid of 3 different templates:

  • It is a To Do template, just like साँचा:tl, except it doesn't add to any categories.
  • It borrowed some of its look from साँचा:tl
  • It floats on the right just like an infobox (e.g. साँचा:tl) and, in fact, uses the same CSS class. Unlike साँचा:tl, this template and an infobox template on the same page should stack properly without colliding, overlapping, etc.


This template also accepts two optional parameters:

  • for, to specify the title that appears after "To-do list for". It defaults to the articlename.
  • width, which sets the width of the box. It defaults to '40%'.