साँचा:Start date/doc

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 साँचा:namespace detect

| type = notice | image = | imageright = | class = | style = margin-bottom:1.0em; | textstyle = | text = साँचा:strong for साँचा:terminate sentence
It contains usage information, categories and other content that is not part of the original साँचा page. | small = | smallimage = | smallimageright = | smalltext = | subst = | date = | name = }}


This template (साँचा:tl) returns a date, or date-time. It also includes the same date (and time) duplicated in a hidden (by CSS) ISO date format, for use in microformats. This hidden date degrades gracefully when CSS is not available.


  • {{Start date|year|month|day}}
  • {{Start date|year|month|day|HH|MM|SS|TimeZone}} (MM and SS are optional; TimeZone may be a numerical value, or "Z" for UTC; see examples)


  • {{Start date|1993}} returns "1993 (1993)"
  • {{Start date|1993|02}} returns "February 1993 (1993-02)"
  • {{Start date|1993|02|24}} returns "February 24, 1993 (1993-02-24)"
  • {{Start date|1993|02|24|08|30}} returns "08:30, February 24, 1993 (1993-02-24T08:30)"
  • {{Start date|1993|02|24|08|||+01:00}} returns "February 24, 1993 (+01:00) (1993-02-24T08+01:00)"
  • {{Start date|1993|02|24|08|||-07:00}} returns "February 24, 1993 (-07:00) (1993-02-24T08-07:00)"
    {{Start date|1993|02|24|08|30|23}} returns "08:30:23, February 24, 1993 (1993-02-24T08:30:23)"
  • {{Start date|1993|02|24|08|30|23|Z}} returns "08:30:23, February 24, 1993 (UTC) (1993-02-24T08:30:23Z)"
  • {{Start date|1993|02|24|08|30|23|+01:00}} returns "08:30:23, February 24, 1993 (+01:00) (1993-02-24T08:30:23+01:00)"
  • {{Start date|1993|02|24|08|30|23|-07:00}} returns "08:30:23, February 24, 1993 (-07:00) (1993-02-24T08:30:23-07:00)"

An optional parameter, df, can be set to "y" or "yes" (or indeed any value) to display the day before the month. This is primarily used in articles about events in parts of the world where the day precedes the month in a date.


  • {{Start date|1993|02|24|df=y}} returns "24 February 1993 (1993-02-24)"
  • {{Start date|1993|02|24|08|30|df=yes}} returns "08:30, 24 February 1993 (1993-02-24T08:30)"

Note: The template will appear broken when the parameters are left blank (as seen above).

Use in microformats

This template also returns the date, hidden by CSS, in the ISO 8601 format needed by one or more of the following microformats:

usually, but not always, within infobox or similar templates, or tables.

Its use in hCard is for organisations, venues and similar; use साँचा:tl or साँचा:tl for people.

Similarly, साँचा:tl returns the date as hCalendar's (class="dtend").

See the microformats project for further details.



See the microformats project for further details.

See also