साँचा:Infobox computer virus/doc

मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से
नेविगेशन पर जाएँ खोज पर जाएँ


 साँचा:namespace detect

| type = notice | image = | imageright = | class = | style = margin-bottom:1.0em; | textstyle = | text = साँचा:strong for साँचा:terminate sentence
It contains usage information, categories and other content that is not part of the original साँचा page. | small = | smallimage = | smallimageright = | smalltext = | subst = | date = | name = }}


सामान्य नाम {{{common_name}}}
तकनीकी नाम {{{technical_name}}}
Aliases {{{aliases}}}
परिवार {{{family}}}
वर्गीकरण {{{classification}}}
प्रकार {{{type}}}
उप-प्रकार {{{subtype}}}
Isolation {{{isolation_date}}}
Point of isolation {{{isolation}}}
Point of origin {{{origin}}}
लेखक {{{author}}}
Port(s) used {{{ports_used}}}
प्रभावित संचालन प्रणाली {{{OS}}}
फ़ाइल आकार {{{filesize}}}
लिखित भाषा {{{language}}}
{{Infobox computer virus
| fullname       = 
| image          = 
| common_name    = 
| technical_name = 
| aliases        = 
| family         = 
| classification = 
| type           = 
| subtype        = 
| isolation_date = 
| origin         = 
| author         = 
| ports_used     =
| OS             =
| filesize       =
| language       =