साँचा:Infobox U.S. state symbols/doc

मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से
नेविगेशन पर जाएँ खोज पर जाएँ


 साँचा:namespace detect

| type = notice | image = | imageright = | class = | style = margin-bottom:1.0em; | textstyle = | text = साँचा:strong for साँचा:terminate sentence
It contains usage information, categories and other content that is not part of the original साँचा page. | small = | smallimage = | smallimageright = | smalltext = | subst = | date = | name = }}



{{Infobox U.S. state symbols
 | Name                 = <!-- required) -->
 | Flag                 = <!-- Typically "Flag of (Name).svg" -->
 | Flag link            = <!-- Only needed when the flag's page is not at "Flag of (Name)" -->
 | Flag size            = <!-- Only needed when 250px is too large -->
 | Seal                 =
 | Seal size            = <!-- Only needed when 150px is too large -->
 | Coat of arms         =
 | Coat of arms size    = <!-- Only needed when 150px is too large -->
 | Amphibian            =
 | Bird                 =
 | Butterfly            =
 | Cactus               =
 | Cat                  =
 | Crustacean           =
 | Dog                  =
 | Domestic animal      =
 | Fish                 =
 | Flower               =
 | Grass                =
 | Horse                =
 | Insect               =
 | Mammal               =
 | Marsupial            =
 | Mushroom             =
 | Pet                  =
 | Reptile              =
 | Tree                 =
 | Beverage             =
 | Colors               =
 | Dance                =
 | Dinosaur             =
 | Firearm              =
 | Food                 =
 | Folk dance           =
 | Food                 =
 | Fossil               =
 | Gemstone             =
 | Instrument           =
 | Mineral              =
 | Motto                =
 | Nickname             =
 | Poem                 =
 | Rock                 =
 | Shell                =
 | Ship                 =
 | Slogan               =
 | Soil                 =
 | Song                 =
 | Sport                =
 | Game                 =
 | Tartan               =
 | Toy                  =
 | Other                =
 | Route marker         =
 | Quarter              =
 | Quarter size         = <!-- Only needed when 125px is too large -->
 | Quarter release date =

Tracking category


The HTML mark up produced by this template includes an hCard microformat, which makes the place-name and location parsable by computers, either acting automatically to catalogue article across Wikipedia, or via a browser tool operated by a person, to (for example) add the subject to an address book. For more information about the use of microformats on Wikipedia, please see the microformat project.

If the place or venue has an "established", "founded", "opened" or similar date, specific to the day, use साँचा:tl.

hCard uses HTML classes including:

  • adr
  • category
  • county-name
  • extended-address
  • fn
  • label
  • locality
  • nickname
  • note
  • org
  • street-address
  • vcard

Please do not rename or remove these classes; nor collapse nested elements which use them.

See also