
मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से
नेविगेशन पर जाएँ खोज पर जाएँ

You did not specify license information for {{{1}}}

Thank you for uploading [[:{{{1}}}]]. You did not specify information on its copyright status. Based on your statement or other evidence that you are the author of the image, I have tagged it with साँचा:tl. This tag indicates that the image is subject to the GFDL, the same license under which all of our contributions to Wikipedia are licensed.

Wikipedia takes copyright very seriously and it is important that your exact intentions be specified. Please update the [[:{{{1}}}|image description page]] with more specific information about this image.

  • If you did not create the image, please provide the exact source of this image, meaning, the person who created it and/or the website that it came from. Please note that most images on the internet have copyright restrictions that are incompatible with use on Wikipedia and unless the owner explicitly grants permission for the image to be released under an acceptable free license, it will have to be deleted.
  • If you did create the image and agree for it to be released under the GFDL, please edit the image description page and replace my साँचा:tl tag with a साँचा:tl tag.
  • If you created the image and wish for it to be released under a different free license, please choose a free image copyright tag that describes your wishes. साँचा:tl and साँचा:tl are popular tags that many contributors use. For a license to be considered "free" on Wikipedia, the license must permit it to be used by anyone for any reason, including commercial use, and must permit derivative works to be created.
  • If you were unfamiliar with Wikipedia's image use policy when you uploaded this image, please tag it with साँचा:tl so that an administrator can delete it.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them at the media copyright questions page. Thanks again for your help.