
मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से
नेविगेशन पर जाएँ खोज पर जाएँ

In one or more of your recent edits, you have created a link to [[{{{1}}}]] when the link appears to have been intended to refer to [[{{{2}}}]].

This is a form of ambiguous link: that is, a link to an article which is in itself a disambiguation page. In other words, the link which you have created does not take the reader directly to the article that you want them to see, but instead to a list of two of more articles with similar names (known as a disambiguation page).

This is an easy mistake to make, and this message is intended to show you how easy it is to avoid it.

The first thing to check is that the phrase to which you are linking (in this case {{{1}}}) is actually the name of the article which you want your reader to see. (You can check this by opening a new tab or window in your browser, and typing the phrase in the "Find" box).

Once you have found the article you want, follow the link to open it in your browser, and simply copy the article title (in Windows, by selecting the text and typing Control-C).

Then you need to create a what is known as a piped link, which is one where the text which the reader sees is not the same as as the name of the artyicle.

In this case, your link would look like this, which is italicised here for clarity: [[{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}]]. That way, the link will appear as [[{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}]] ... but it will bring the reader to the article you want them to see.

I hope this helps. Please could you try to use this form of link in future? Thanks!