साँचा:मार्च कैलंडर/doc

मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से
नेविगेशन पर जाएँ खोज पर जाएँ


 साँचा:namespace detect

| type = notice | image = | imageright = | class = | style = margin-bottom:1.0em; | textstyle = | text = साँचा:strong for साँचा:terminate sentence
It contains usage information, categories and other content that is not part of the original साँचा page. | small = | smallimage = | smallimageright = | smalltext = | subst = | date = | name = }}साँचा:esoteric


This template displays a March calendar for a specified year from 1970 to 2037 (it defaults to the current year). Calls [[Template:Calendar/Sun1stMonthStartत्रुटि: अमान्य समय।]] or one of its sister templates, with the starting day for the calendar calculated using #time.

Optional parameters


Parameter Explanation
year The four digit year of the specified year to be displayed (e.g. year=2008). Valid years are 1970-2037 (due to technical restrictions regarding Unix time) . The template currently defaults to {{CURRENTYEAR}}.


The following parameters can be used to change the layout of the calendar:

Parameter Explanation
float Use to float the calendar left or right (e.g. float=left or float=right). It defaults to float=none.
color Use to change the the default background color of the title bar with name of the month, and the bottom bar (e.g. color=#2e8b57).
color2 Use to change the the default background color of the bar listing the days of the week (e.g. color2=#2e8b57).

Parameters to change the displayed links

The template contains the following default links:

  • The Month links to the specified month's respective article.
  • The left arrows link to the previous month's respective article.
  • The right arrows link to the next month's respective article.
  • The days link to each day’s respective article.
  • The bottom bar shows a piped link that points to the specified month's respective article, but displays roman numerals without looking redundant with the
    Arabic-numeral expression of the year at the top.

The following parameters can be used to change the links on the calendar:
(they are backward compatible with the ones used on the old {{JanuaryCalendar2008Source}}, etc. templates that were used before #time and the other parserfunctions were implemented)

Parameter Explanation
1 Adds a prefix to the days links.
1a Adds a prefix to the links to the current month, previous month and the next month.
2 Adds a prefix to the link label in the piped link displaying the current month.
3 Adds a suffix to the links to the current month, the previous month and the next month.
4 Adds a suffix to the days links.
EndNote Changes the text in the bottom bar.


{{MarchCalendar}} {{Calendar/Sun1stMonthStartत्रुटि: अमान्य समय। |float=none |titlestyle=background-color:#ccccff; |weekstyle=background-color:#ccccff; |cur_month= मार्च २०२४ |prev_month=<< |next_month=>> |01= |02= |03= |04= |05= |06= |07= |08= |09= |10=१० |11=११ |12=१२ |13=१३ |14=१४ |15=१५ |16=१६ |17=१७ |18=१८ |19=१९ |20=२० |21=२१ |22=२२ |23=२३ |24=२४ |25=२५ |26=२६ |27=२७ |28=२८ |29=२९ |30=३० |31=३१

|EndNote=MMXXIV }}


<< मार्च 2001 >>
सो मं बु गु शु
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१८ १९ २० २१ २२ २३ २४
२५ २६ २७ २८ २९ ३० ३१

{{MarchCalendar|year=2008|1=Wikipedia:Today's featured article/|1a=Wikipedia:Today's featured article/|2=Featured articles for |3= 2008|4=, 2008|EndNote=<small>An archive of [[Wikipedia:Featured articles|Wikipedia's featured articles]] that appeared on the Main Page.</small>}}

<< Featured articles for मार्च 2008 >>
सो मं बु गु शु
१० ११ १२ १३ १४ १५
१६ १७ १८ १९ २० २१ २२
२३ २४ २५ २६ २७ २८ २९
३० ३१
An archive of Wikipedia's featured articles that appeared on the Main Page.