कृत्रिम भाषाओं की सूची

मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से
नेविगेशन पर जाएँ खोज पर जाएँ

साँचा:translate This list of constructed languages is in alphabetical order, and divided into auxiliary, engineered, and artistic languages, and their respective subgenres.

सहायक भाषाएँ

Spoken (major)

भाषा का नाम ISO
निर्माता टिप्पणी
वोलापूक vo, vol 1879–1880 जॉहान मार्टिन स्कैलियेर First to generate international interest in IALs
एस्पेरांतो eo, epo 1887 लुडविग लाज़र ज़ामेनहोफ़ Speakers variously placed between several thousand and 2 million
इदीओम नेउत्राल 1902 वाल्देमार रॉसेनबैर्गर A naturalistic IAL by a former advocate of Volapük
लातीनो सीने फ़्लेक्शॉने (पेआनो की अंतरभाषा) 1903 जूझेप्पे पेआनो "Latin without inflections," it replaced Idiom Neutral in 1908
ईदो io, ido 1907 लुई कुतूरात, लुई द बोफ़्रों The most successful offspring of Esperanto
ओक्सिडेन्टल ie, ile 1922 एडगर ड वाल A sophisticated naturalistic IAL (Interlingue)
नोवियाल nov 1928 ओटो येस्पर्सन Another sophisticated naturalistic IAL
ग्लोसा igs 1943 लांसलोट होगबैन Originally called Interglossa, has a strong Greco-Latin vocabulary
अन्तरभाषा (इंटरलिंगुआ) ia, ina 1951 इंटरनैशनल आक्जीलरी लैंग्वेज एसोसियेशन A large project to discover common European vocabulary
लिंगुआ फ़्रांका नोवा lfn 1998 सी. जॉर्ज बुरी Romance vocabulary with creole-like grammar
टोकि पोना 2001 सोन्जा एलिन किसा highly simplified language with limited vocabulary
अंतरस्लाव भाषा (स्लोव्यान्स्की) 1665 यूरी क्रिझ़ानिच, ओंद्रेय रेचनिक, गाब्रियेल स्वोबोदा, यान वान स्तय्न्बेर्गन, इगोर पोल्याकोव, वोयतेक मेरुंन्का A naturalistic language based on the Slavic languages

Spoken (minor)

Language name ISO Year of first
Creator Comments
Adjuvilo 1908 Claudius Colas created to cause dissent among Idoists
Afrihili afh 1970 K. A. Kumi Attobrah a pan-African language
Babm 1962 Rikichi Okamoto noted for using latin letters as an abjad
Communicationssprache 1839 Joseph Schipfer based on French
Esperanto II 1937 René de Saussure last of the esperantidos
Europanto eur 1996 Diego Marani a "linguistic jest"
Grammelot (Cirquish) 16th century Various "gibberish" used by performers, including those of Cirque du Soleil
Kotava avk 1978 Staren Fetcey a sophisticated a priori IAL
Lingua sistemfrater 1957 Pham Xuan Thai Greco-Latin vocabulary with southeast Asian grammar
Lingwa de Planeta 2006 Dmitry Ivanov and others based on the 10 most spoken languages of the planet, including Hindi, Mandarin, Russian and Arabic
Modern Indo-European 2006 Carlos Quiles and María Teresa Batalla modernized Proto-Indo-European
Mondial 1940s Dr. Helge Heimer naturalistic European language
Mundolinco 1888 J. Braakman the first esperantido
Neo 1961 Arturo Alfandari a very terse European language
Nuwaubic 1970s? Malachi Z. York the language of a black supremacist group
Poliespo 1990s? Nvwtohiyada Idehesdi Sequoyah Esperanto grammar with significant Cherokee vocabulary
Románico 1991 a pan-Romance language
Sambahsa-Mundialect 2007 Olivier Simon Mixture of simplified Proto-Indo-European and other languages
Solresol 1827 François Sudre the famous "musical language"
सोना 1935 केनेथ सीराइट best known attempt at universality of vocabulary
स्पॉकील 1887 or 1890 अडोल्फ निकोलास an a priori language by a former Volapük advocate
Universalglot 1868 Jean Pirro arguably the first IAL, predating even Volapük

नियन्त्रित भाषाएँ

Visual languages

अभियंत्रित भाषाएँ


भाषा निरुपण

Artistic languages

उपन्यासों में प्रयोग किये जानेवाली भाषाएँ



फिल्म एवं टेलीविजन

गैर नामित भाषाएँ




वैकल्पिक भाषाएँ

माइक्रो नेशनल भाषाएँ

व्यक्तिगत भाषाएँ

लैंग्वेज गेम


इन्हें भी देखें


  1. Standard language references such as Peter T. Daniels and William Bright, eds., The World's Writing Systems (New York: Oxford University Press, 1996) (990 pages); David Crystal, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language (Cambridge University Press, 1997); and Roger D. Woodard, ed., The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the World's Ancient Languages (Cambridge University Press, 2004) (1162 pages) contain no reference to "reformed Egyptian." "Reformed Egyptian" is also ignored in Andrew Robinson, Lost Languages: The Enigma of the World's Undeciphered Scripts (New York: McGraw Hill, 2002), although it is mentioned in Stephen Williams, Fantastic Archaeology: The Wild Side of North American Prehistory (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1991).
