ओलचिकी लिपि

मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से
नेविगेशन पर जाएँ खोज पर जाएँ
ओल चिकी
Ol Chiki.svg
प्रकार Alphabet
भाषाएँ संथाली भाषा
आईएसओ 15924 Olck, 261
दिशा बाएँ-से-दाएँ
यूनिकोड एलियास Ol Chiki
यूनिकोड रेंज U+1C50–U+1C7F
नोट: इस पृष्ठ पर आइपीए ध्वन्यात्मक प्रतीक हो सकते हैं।

ओलचिकी (OLCHIKI) एक भारतीय लिपि है, जो संथाली भाषा लिखने में प्रयुक्त होती है। इस भाषा का सम्बन्ध विशेष रुप से झारखंड राज्य से है l


वर्ण वर्ण का नाम आईपीए (IPA)[१] लिप्यन्तरण स्वरूप/आकार[२]
ALA-LC[३] Zide[१] देवनागरी[४] बांग्ला[४] ओड़िया[४]
la /ɔ/ a burning fire
at /t/ t t ତ୍ the Earth
ag /k’/, /g/ g k’ ଗ୍ vomiting mouth which produces the same sound as the name of the letter
ang /ŋ/ blowing air
al /l/ l l ଲ୍ writing
laa /a/ ā a working in the field with a spade
aak /k/ k k କ୍ bird (sound of a swan)
aaj /c’/, /j/ j c’ ଜ୍ person pointing towards a third person with the right hand (saying he)
aam /m/ m m ମ୍ person pointing towards a second person with the left hand (saying you)
aaw /w/, /v/ w w ওয় opening lips
li /i/ i i bending tree
is /s/ s s ସ୍ plow
ih /ʔ/, /h/ h ହ୍ hands up
iny /ɲ/ ñ ñ ଞ୍ person pointing towards himself/herself with the left hand
ir /r/ r r ର୍ sickle used for cutting or reaping
lu /u/ u u vessel used for preparing food
uch /c/ c c ଚ୍ peak of a mountain which is usually high
ud /t’/, /d/ d t’ ଦ୍ mushroom
unn /ɳ/ ଣ୍ picture of a flying bee (which makes this sound)
uy /j/ y y য় ୟ୍ a man bending towards ground to cut something
le /e/ e e overflowing rivers changing course
ep /p/ p p ପ୍ person receiving with both hands
edd /ɖ/ ଡ୍ a man with two legs stretching towards his chest and mouth
en /n/ n n ନ୍ thrashing grains with two legs
err /ɽ/ ड़ ড় ଳ୍ a path that turns to avoid an obstruction or a danger
lo /o/ o o a mouth when sounding this letter
ott /ʈ/ ଟ୍ camel hump
ob /p’/, /b/ b p’ ବ୍ curly hair
ov /w̃/ उं nasalized
oh /ʰ/ h (C)h a man throwing something with one hand

Aspirated consonants are written as digraphs with the letter साँचा:large:[५][४] साँचा:large /tʰ/, साँचा:large /gʱ/, साँचा:large /kʰ/, साँचा:large /jʱ/, साँचा:large /cʰ/, साँचा:large /dʱ/, साँचा:large /pʰ/, साँचा:large /ɖʱ/, साँचा:large /ɽʱ/, साँचा:large /ʈʰ/, and साँचा:large /bʱ/.

अन्य प्रतीक

Ol Chiki employs several marks which are placed after the letter they modify (there are no combining characters):

Mark Name Description
साँचा:huge găhlă ṭuḍăg This baseline dot is used to extend three vowel letters for the Santal Parganas dialect of Santali:[५] साँचा:large ŏ /ɔ/, साँचा:large ă /ə/, and साँचा:large ĕ /ɛ/. The phonetic difference between साँचा:large and साँचा:large is not clearly defined and there may be only a marginal phonemic difference between the two. साँचा:large is rarely used. ALA-LC transliterates साँचा:large as "ạ̄".[३]
साँचा:huge mũ ṭuḍăg This raised dot indicates nasalization of the preceding vowel: साँचा:large /ɔ̃/, साँचा:large /ã/, साँचा:large /ĩ/, साँचा:large /ũ/, साँचा:large /ẽ/, and साँचा:large /õ/. ALA-LC transliteration uses "m̐" after the affected vowel.[३]
साँचा:huge mũ găhlă ṭuḍăg This colon-like mark is used to mark a nasalized extended vowel. It is a combination of mũ ṭuḍăg and găhlă ṭuḍăg: साँचा:large /ɔ̃/, साँचा:large /ə̃/, and साँचा:large /ɛ̃/.
साँचा:huge relā This tilde-like mark indicates the prolongation of any oral or nasalized vowel. Compare साँचा:large /e/ with साँचा:large /eː/. It comes after the găhlă ṭuḍăg for extended vowels: साँचा:large /ɛː/. It is omitted in ALA-LC transliteration.[३]
साँचा:huge ahad This special letter indicates the deglottalization of a consonant in the word-final position. It preserves the morphophonemic relationship between the glottalized (ejective) and voiced equivalents of consonants.[५] For example, साँचा:large represents a voiced /g/ when word initial but an ejective /k’/ when in the word-final position. A voiced /g/ in the word-final position is written as साँचा:large. The ahad is used with साँचा:large, साँचा:large, साँचा:large, साँचा:large, and साँचा:large which can form cursive ligatures with साँचा:large in handwriting (but not usually in printed text).[४] ALA-LC transliteration uses an apostrophe (’) to represent an ahad.[३]
साँचा:huge phārkā This hyphen-like mark serves as a glottal protector (the opposite function as the ahad.) It preserves the ejective sound, even in the word-initial position. Compare साँचा:large /gɔ/ with साँचा:large /k’ɔ/. The phārkā is only used with साँचा:large, साँचा:large, साँचा:large, and साँचा:large. It is omitted in ALA-LC transliteration.[३]


Digit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
ओल चिकी

विराम चिह्न

Some Western-style punctuation marks are used with Ol Chiki: comma (,), exclamation mark (!), question mark (?), and quotation marks (“ and ”).

Period (.) is not used because it is visually confusable with the găhlă ṭuḍăg mark (ᱹ).[४] Instead of periods the script uses two dandas:


ओलचिकी लिपि को अप्रैल २००८ में यूनिकोड में सम्मिलित किया गया था, जब यूनिकोड का 5.1 संस्करण निकला था।

ओलचिकी का यूनिकोड खण्ड ( Unicode block) U+1C50 से U+1C7F तक है।

ओल चिकी
ओल चिकी वर्णों के यूनिकोड (PDF)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
U+1C7x ᱿


बाहरी कड़ियाँ