एबेल पुरस्कार

मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से
नेविगेशन पर जाएँ खोज पर जाएँ

एबेल पुरस्कार (अंग्रेज़ी: Abel Prize) एक पुरस्कार है जो हर वर्ष नॉर्वे का राजा गणित में बकाया कार्य करने वालों को देते हैं। इसका रकम ६० लाख नॉर्वेजियन क्रोन है। यह पुरस्कार २००३ में शुरू हुआ। [१]


साल विजेताओं Image देश संस्था Citation
2003 साँचा:sortname Jean-Pierre Serre साँचा:flag Collège de France "For playing a key role in shaping the modern form of many parts of mathematics, including topology, algebraic geometry and number theory."[२]
2004 साँचा:sortname Michael Atiya साँचा:flag University of Edinburgh "For their discovery and proof of the index theorem, bringing together topology, geometry and analysis, and their outstanding role in building new bridges between mathematics and theoretical physics."[३]
साँचा:sortname Isadore Singer साँचा:flag Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyUniversity of California, Berkeley
2005 साँचा:sortname Peter Lax साँचा:flag[४] / साँचा:flag Courant Institute "For his groundbreaking contributions to the theory and application of partial differential equations and to the computation of their solutions."[५]
2006 साँचा:sortname Lennart Carleson साँचा:flag[६] Royal Institute of Technology "For his profound and seminal contributions to harmonic analysis and the theory of smooth dynamical systems."[७]
2007 साँचा:sortname S. R. Srinivasa Varadhan साँचा:flag / साँचा:flag[८] Courant Institute "For his fundamental contributions to probability theory and in particular for creating a unified theory of large deviation."[९]
2008 साँचा:sortname John Griggs Thompson साँचा:flag University of Florida "For their profound achievements in algebra and in particular for shaping modern group theory."[१०]
साँचा:sortname Jacques Tits साँचा:flag / साँचा:flag[११] Collège de France
2009 साँचा:sortname Mikhail Leonidovich Gromov साँचा:flag / साँचा:flag[१२] Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques[१३] and Courant Institute[१४] "For his revolutionary contributions to geometry."[१५]
2010 साँचा:sortname John Tate साँचा:flag University of Texas at Austin "For his vast and lasting impact on the theory of numbers."[१६]
2011 साँचा:sortname John Milnor साँचा:flag[१७] Stony Brook University "For pioneering discoveries in topology, geometry, and algebra."[१८]
2012 साँचा:sortname Endre Szemeredi साँचा:flag / साँचा:flag[१९] Alfréd Rényi Instituteand Rutgers University "For his fundamental contributions to discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science, and in recognition of the profound and lasting impact of these contributions on additive number theory and ergodic theory."[२०]
2013 साँचा:sortname Pierre Deligne साँचा:flag Institute for Advanced Study "For seminal contributions to algebraic geometry and for their transformative impact on number theory, representation theory, and related fields."[२१]
2014 साँचा:sortname Yakov G Sinai साँचा:flag / साँचा:flag Princeton University and Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics[२२] "For his fundamental contributions to dynamical systems, ergodic theory, and mathematical physics."[२३]
2015 साँचा:sortname John Forbes Nash Jr. साँचा:flag Princeton University "For striking and seminal contributions to the theory of nonlinear partial differential equations and its applications to geometric analysis."[२४]
साँचा:sortname Louis Nirenberg साँचा:flag / साँचा:flag Courant Institute
2016 साँचा:sortname Andrew Wiles साँचा:flag University of Oxford[२५][२६] "For his stunning proof of Fermat's Last Theorem by way of the modularity conjecture for semistable elliptic curves, opening a new era in number theory."[२७]
2017 साँचा:sortname Yves Meyer साँचा:flag École normale supérieure Paris-Saclay "For his pivotal role in the development of the mathematical theory of wavelets."[२८]
2018 साँचा:sortname Robert Langlands साँचा:flag / साँचा:flag[२९] Institute for Advanced Study "For his visionary program connecting representation theory to number theory."[३०]
2019 साँचा:sortname Karen Uhlenbeck साँचा:flag[३१] University of Texas at Austin "For her pioneering achievements in geometric partial differential equations, gauge theory and integrable systems, and for the fundamental impact of her work on analysis, geometry and mathematical physics."[३२][३३]
