ऊर्जा के परिमाण की कोटि

मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से
नेविगेशन पर जाएँ खोज पर जाएँ

इस सूची में विभिन्न प्रणालियों में निहित ऊर्जा (जूल में) को परिमाण की कोटि के क्रम में व्यवस्थित किया गया है। साँचा:clear

10−34 to 10−1 J

ऊर्जा के परिमाणों की कोटियाँ
गुणक (जूल) एस आई प्री-फिक्स मान प्रणाली
10−34   6.626×10−34 J १ हर्ट्ज आवृत्ति वाले एक फोटॉन की ऊर्जा[१]
10−33   2×10−33 J Average kinetic energy of translational motion of a molecule at the lowest temperature reached, 100 picokelvins as of 1999[२]
10−28   6.6×10−28 J Energy of a typical AM radio photon (1 MHz) (4×10−9 eV)[३]
10−24स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "anchor" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है। Yocto- (yJ) 1.6×10−24 J Energy of a typical microwave oven photon (2.45 GHz) (1×10−5 eV)[४][५]
10−23   2×10−23 J Average kinetic energy of translational motion of a molecule in the Boomerang Nebula, the coldest place known outside of a laboratory, at a temperature of 1 kelvin[६][७]
10−22   2-3000×10−22 J Energy of infrared light photons[८]
10−21स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "anchor" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है। Zepto- (zJ) 1.7×10−21 J 1 kJ/mol, converted to energy per molecule[९]
2.1×10−21 J Thermal energy in each degree of freedom of a molecule at 25 °C (kT/2) (0.01 eV)[१०]
2.856×10−21 J By Landauer's principle, the minimum amount of energy required at 25 °C to change one bit of information
3–7×10−21 J Energy of a van der Waals interaction between atoms (0.02–0.04 eV)[११][१२]
4.1×10−21 J The "kT" constant at 25 °C, a common rough approximation for the total thermal energy of each molecule in a system (0.03 eV)[१३]
7–22×10−21 J Energy of a hydrogen bond (0.04 to 0.13 eV)[११][१४]
10−20   4.5×10−20 J Upper bound of the mass-energy of a neutrino in particle physics (0.28 eV)[१५][१६]
10−19   1.6×10−19 J ≈1 electronvolt (eV)[१७]
3–5×10−19 J Energy range of photons in visible light[१८][१९]
3–14×10−19 J Energy of a covalent bond (2–9 eV)[११][२०]
5–200×10−19 J Energy of ultraviolet light photons[८]
10−18स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "anchor" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है। Atto- (aJ)    
10−17   2-2000×10−17 J Energy range of X-ray photons[८]
10−15स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "anchor" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है। Femto- (fJ) 3 * 10−15 J Average kinetic energy of one human red blood cell.[२१][२२][२३]
10−14   1×10−14 J Sound energy (vibration) transmitted to the eardrums by listening to a whisper for one second.[२४][२५][२६]
> 2×10−14 J Energy of gamma ray photons[८]
2.7×10−14 J Upper bound of the mass-energy of a muon neutrino[२७][२८]
8.2×10−14 J Rest mass-energy of an electron[२९]
10−13   1.6×10−13 J 1 megaelectronvolt (MeV)[३०]
10−12स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "anchor" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है। Pico- (pJ) 2.3×10−12 J Kinetic energy of neutrons produced by D-T fusion, used to trigger fission (14.1 MeV)[३१][३२]
10−11   3.4×10−11 J Average total energy released in the nuclear fission of one uranium-235 atom (215 MeV)[३३][३४]
10−10   1.5030×10−10 J Rest mass-energy of a proton[३५]
1.505×10−10 J Rest mass-energy of a neutron[३६]
1.6×10−10 J 1 gigaelectronvolt (GeV)[३७]
3×10−10 J Rest mass-energy of a deuteron[३८]
6×10−10 J Rest mass-energy of an alpha particle[३९]
7×10−10 J Energy required to raise a grain of sand by 0.1mm (the thickness of a piece of paper).[४०]
10−9स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "anchor" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है। Nano- (nJ) 1.6×10−9 J 10 GeV[४१]
8×10−9 J Initial operating energy per beam of the CERN Large Electron Positron Collider in 1989 (50 GeV)[४२][४३]
10−8   1.3×10−8 J Mass-energy of a W boson (80.4 GeV)[४४][४५]
1.5×10−8 J Mass-energy of a Z boson (91.2 GeV)[४६][४७]
1.6×10−8 J 100 GeV[४८]
2×10−8 J Mass-energy of the Higgs Boson (125.1 GeV)[४९]
6.4×10−8 J Operating energy per proton of the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron accelerator in 1976[५०][५१]
10−7   1×10−7 J ≡ 1 erg[५२]
1.6×10−7 J 1 TeV (teraelectronvolt),[५३] about the kinetic energy of a flying mosquito[५४]
10−6स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "anchor" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है। Micro- (µJ) 1.04×10−6 J Energy per proton in the CERN Large Hadron Collider in 2015 (6.5 TeV)[५५][५६]
10−3स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "anchor" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है। Milli- (mJ)    
10−2स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "anchor" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है। Centi- (cJ)    
10−1स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "anchor" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है। Deci- (dJ) 1.1×10−1 J Energy of an American half-dollar falling 1 metre[५७][५८]

1 to 106 J

100 J 1 J ≡ 1 N·m (Newton–metre)
1 J ≡ 1 W·s (Watt-second)
1 J Kinetic energy produced as an extra small apple (~100 grams[५९]) falls 1 meter against Earth's gravity[६०]
1 J Energy required to heat 1 gram of dry, cool air by 1-degree Celsius[६१]
1.4 J ≈ 1 ft·lbf (foot-pound force)[५२]
4.184 J ≡ 1 thermochemical calorie (small calorie)[५२]
4.1868 J ≡ 1 International (Steam) Table calorie[६२]
8 J Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin theoretical upper limit for the energy of a cosmic ray coming from a distant source[६३][६४]
101स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "anchor" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है। Deca- (daJ) 5×101 J The most energetic cosmic ray ever detected[६५] was most likely a single proton traveling only slightly slower than the speed of light.[६६]
102स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "anchor" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है। 1×102 J Flash energy of a typical pocket camera electronic flash capacitor साँचा:nowrap @ साँचा:nowrap[६७][६८]
3×102 J Energy of a lethal dose of X-rays[६९]
3×102 J Kinetic energy of an average person jumping as high as they can[७०][७१][७२]
3.3×102 J Energy to melt 1 g of ice[७३]
> 3.6×102 J Kinetic energy of 800 g[७४] standard men's javelin thrown at > 30 m/s[७५] by elite javelin throwers[७६]
5–20×102 J Energy output of a typical photography studio strobe light in a single flash[७७]
6×102 J Kinetic energy of 2 kg[७८] standard men's discus thrown at 24.4 m/sसाँचा:category handler[<span title="स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "string" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है।">citation needed] by the world record holder Jürgen Schult[७९]
6×102 J Use of a 10-watt flashlight for 1-minute
7.5×102 J A power of 1 horsepower applied for 1 second[५२]
7.8×102 J Kinetic energy of 7.26 kg[८०] standard men's shot thrown at 14.7 m/sसाँचा:category handler[<span title="स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "string" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है।">citation needed] by the world record holder Randy Barnes[८१]
8.01×102 J Amount of work needed to lift a man with an average weight (81.7 kg) one meter above earth (or any planet with earth gravity)
103स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "anchor" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है। Kilo- (kJ) 1.1×103 J ≈ 1 British thermal unit (BTU), depending on the temperature[५२]
1.4×103 J Total solar radiation received from the Sun by 1 square meter at the altitude of Earth's orbit per second (solar constant)[८२]
1.8×103 J Kinetic energy of M16 rifle bullet (5.56×45mm NATO M855, 4.1 g fired at 930 m/s)[८३]
2.3×103 J Energy to vaporize 1 g of water into steam[८४]
3×103 J Lorentz force can crusher pinch[८५]
3.4×103 J Kinetic energy of world-record men's hammer throw (7.26 kg[८६] thrown at 30.7 m/s[८७] in 1986)[८८]
3.6×103 J ≡ 1 W·h (Watt-hour)[५२]
4.2×103 J Energy released by explosion of 1 gram of TNT[५२][८९]
4.2×103 J ≈ 1 food Calorie (large calorie)
~7×103 J Muzzle energy of an elephant gun, e.g. firing a .458 Winchester Magnum[९०]
9×103 J Energy in an alkaline AA battery[९१]
104   1.7×104 J Energy released by the metabolism of 1 gram of carbohydrates[९२] or protein[९३]
3.8×104 J Energy released by the metabolism of 1 gram of fat[९४]
4–5×104 J Energy released by the combustion of 1 gram of gasoline[९५]
5×104 J Kinetic energy of 1 gram of matter moving at 10 km/s[९६]
105   साँचा:nowrap—साँचा:nowrap Kinetic energy of an automobile at highway speeds (1 to 5 tons[९७] at साँचा:nowrap or साँचा:nowrap)[९८]
5×105 J Kinetic energy of 1 gram of a meteor hitting Earth[९९]
106स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "anchor" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है। Mega- (MJ) 1×106 J Kinetic energy of a 2 tonne[९७] vehicle at 32 metres per second (115 km/h or 72 mph)[१००]
1.2×106 J Approximate food energy of a snack such as a Snickers bar (280 food calories)[१०१]
3.6×106 J = 1 kWh (kilowatt-hour) (used for electricity)[५२]
4.2×106 J Energy released by explosion of 1 kilogram of TNT[५२][८९]
8.4×106 J Recommended food energy intake per day for a moderately active woman (2000 food calories)[१०२][१०३]

107 to 1012 J

107   1×107 J Kinetic energy of the armor-piercing round fired by the assault guns of the ISU-152 tank[१०४]साँचा:category handler[<span title="स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "string" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है।">citation needed]
1.1×107 J Recommended food energy intake per day for a moderately active man (2600 food calories)[१०२][१०५]
3.7×107 J $1 of electricity at a cost of $0.10/kWh (the US average retail cost in 2009)[१०६][१०७][१०८]
4×107 J Energy from the combustion of 1 cubic meter of natural gas[१०९]
4.2×107 J Caloric energy consumed by Olympian Michael Phelps on a daily basis during Olympic training[११०]
6.3×107 J Theoretical minimum energy required to accelerate 1 kg of matter to escape velocity from Earth's surface (ignoring atmosphere)[१११]
108   1×108 J Kinetic energy of a 55 tonne aircraft at typical landing speed (59 m/s or 115 knots)साँचा:category handler[<span title="स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "string" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है।">citation needed]
1.1×108 J ≈ 1 therm, depending on the temperature[५२]
1.1×108 J ≈ 1 Tour de France, or ~90 hours[११२] ridden at 5 W/kg[११३] by a 65 kg rider[११४]
7.3×108 J ≈ Energy from burning 16 kilograms of oil (using 135 kg per barrel of light crude)साँचा:category handler[<span title="स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "string" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है।">citation needed]
109स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "anchor" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है। Giga- (GJ) 1–10×109 J Energy in an average lightning bolt[११५] (thunder)
1.1×109 J Magnetic stored energy in the world's largest toroidal superconducting magnet for the ATLAS experiment at CERN, Geneva[११६]
1.2×109 J Inflight 100-ton Boeing 757-200 at 300 knots (154 m/s)
1.4x109 J Theoretical minimum amount of energy required to melt a tonne of steel (380 kWh)[११७][११८]
2x109 J Energy of an ordinary साँचा:nowrap gasoline tank of a car.[९५][११९][१२०]
2×109 J Planck energy, the unit of energy in Planck units[१२१]
3×109 J Inflight 125-ton Boeing 767-200 flying at 373 knots (192 m/s)
3.3×109 J Approximate average amount of energy expended by a human heart muscle over an 80-year lifetime[१२२][१२३]
4.2×109 J Energy released by explosion of 1 ton of TNT.
4.5×109 J Average annual energy usage of a standard refrigerator[१२४][१२५]
6.1×109 J ≈ 1 bboe (barrel of oil equivalent)[१२६]
1010   2.3×1010 J Kinetic energy of an Airbus A380 at cruising speed (560 tonnes at 562 knots or 289 m/s)साँचा:category handler[<span title="स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "string" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है।">citation needed]
4.2×1010 J ≈ 1 toe (ton of oil equivalent)[१२६]
5×1010 J Yield energy of a Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb, the second most powerful non-nuclear weapon ever designed[१२७][१२८]
7.3×1010 J Energy consumed by the average U.S. automobile in the year 2000[१२९][१३०][१३१]
8.6×1010 J ≈ 1 MW·d (megawatt-day), used in the context of power plants[१३२]
8.8×1010 J Total energy released in the nuclear fission of one gram of uranium-235[३३][३४][१३३]
1011   2.4×1011 J Approximate food energy consumed by an average human in an 80-year lifetime.[१३४]
1012स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "anchor" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है। Tera- (TJ) 3.4×1012 J Maximum fuel energy of an Airbus A330-300 (97,530 liters[१३५] of Jet A-1[१३६])[१३७]
3.6×1012 J 1 GW·h (gigawatt-hour)[१३८]
4×1012 J Electricity generated by one 20-kg CANDU fuel bundle assuming ~29%[१३९] thermal efficiency of reactor[१४०][१४१]
6.4×1012 J Energy contained in jet fuel in a Boeing 747-100B aircraft at max fuel capacity (183,380 liters[१४२] of Jet A-1[१३६])[१४३]

1013 to 1018 J

1013   1.1×1013 J Energy of the maximum fuel an Airbus A380 can carry (320,000 liters[१४४] of Jet A-1[१३६])[१४५]
1.2×1013 J Orbital kinetic energy of the International Space Station (417 tonnes[१४६] at 7.7 km/s[१४७])[१४८]
6.3×1013 J Yield of the Little Boy atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in World War II (15 kilotons)[१४९][१५०]
9×1013 J Theoretical total mass-energy of 1 gram of matter[१५१]
1014   3.75×1014 J Total energy released by the Chelyabinsk meteor.[१५२]
6×1014 J Energy released by an average hurricane in 1 second[१५३]
1015 Peta- (PJ) साँचा:anchor > 1015 J Energy released by a severe thunderstorm[१५४]
1×1015 J Yearly electricity consumption in Greenland as of 2008[१५५][१५६]
4.2×1015 J Energy released by explosion of 1 megaton of TNT[५२][१५७]
1016   1×1016 J Estimated impact energy released in forming Meteor Craterसाँचा:category handler[<span title="स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "string" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है।">citation needed]
1.1×1016 J Yearly electricity consumption in Mongolia as of 2010[१५५][१५८]
9×1016 J Mass-energy in 1 kilogram of antimatter (or matter)[१५९]
1017   1×1017 J Energy released on the Earth's surface by the magnitude 9.1–9.3 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake[१६०]
1.7×1017 J Total energy from the Sun that strikes the face of the Earth each second[१६१]
2.1×1017 J Yield of the Tsar Bomba, the largest nuclear weapon ever tested (50 megatons)[१६२][१६३]
4.2×1017 J Yearly electricity consumption of Norway as of 2008[१५५][१६४]
4.5×1017 J Approximate energy needed to accelerate one ton to one-tenth of the speed of light
8×1017 J Estimated energy released by the eruption of the Indonesian volcano, Krakatoa, in 1883[१६५][१६६]
1018स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "anchor" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है। Exa- (EJ) 1.4×1018 J Yearly electricity consumption of South Korea as of 2009[१५५][१६७]

1019 to 1024 J

1019   1.4×1019 J Yearly electricity consumption in the U.S. as of 2009[१५५][१६८]
1.4×1019J Yearly electricity production in the U.S. as of 2009[१६९][१७०]
5×1019 J Energy released in 1-day by an average hurricane in producing rain (400 times greater than the wind energy)[१५३]
6.4×1019 J Yearly electricity consumption of the world as of 2008[१७१][१७२]
6.8×1019 J Yearly electricity generation of the world as of 2008[१७१][१७३]
1020   5x1020 J Total world annual energy consumption in 2010[१७४][१७५]
8×1020 J Estimated global uranium resources for generating electricity 2005[१७६][१७७][१७८][१७९]
1021 Zetta- (ZJ) साँचा:anchor 6.9×1021 J Estimated energy contained in the world's natural gas reserves as of 2010[१७४][१८०]
7.9×1021 J Estimated energy contained in the world's petroleum reserves as of 2010[१७४][१८१]
1022   1.5×1022J Total energy from the Sun that strikes the face of the Earth each day[१६१][१८२]
2.4×1022 J Estimated energy contained in the world's coal reserves as of 2010[१७४][१८३]
2.9×1022 J Identified global uranium-238 resources using fast reactor technology[१७६]
3.9×1022 J Estimated energy contained in the world's fossil fuel reserves as of 2010[१७४][१८४]
4×1022 J Estimated total energy released by the magnitude 9.1–9.3 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake[१८५]
2.2×1023 J Total global uranium-238 resources using fast reactor technology[१७६]
5×1023 J Approximate energy released in the formation of the Chicxulub Crater in the Yucatán Peninsula[१८६]
1024 Yotta- (YJ) 5.5×1024 J Total energy from the Sun that strikes the face of the Earth each year[१६१][१८७]

> 1025 J

1025   6×1025 J Energy released by a typical solar flare
1026   1.3×1026 J Conservative estimate of the energy released by the impact that created the Caloris basin on Mercuryसाँचा:category handler[<span title="स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "string" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है।">citation needed]
3.8×1026 J Total energy output of the Sun each second[१८८]
1028   3.8×1028 J Kinetic energy of the Moon in its orbit around the Earth (counting only its velocity relative to the Earth)[१८९][१९०]
1029   2.1×1029 J Rotational energy of the Earth[१९१][१९२][१९३]
1030   1.8×1030 J Gravitational binding energy of Mercury
1031   3.3×1031 J Total energy output of the Sun each day[१८८][१९४]
1032   2×1032 J Gravitational binding energy of the Earth[१९५]
1033   2.7×1033 J Earth's kinetic energy in its orbit[१९६]
1034   1.2×1034 J Total energy output of the Sun each year[१८८][१९७]
1039   6.6×1039 J Theoretical total mass-energy of the Moon
1041   5.4×1041 J Theoretical total mass-energy of the Earth[१९८][१९९]
6.87×1041 J Gravitational binding energy of the Sun[२००]
1043   5×1043 J Total energy of all gamma rays in a typical gamma-ray burst[२०१][२०२]
1044   1–2×1044 J Estimated energy released in a supernova,[२०३] sometimes referred to as a foe
स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "val" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है। Approximate lifetime energy output of the Sun.
1045   स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "val" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है। Brightest observed hypernova ASASSN-15lh[२०४]
few times×1045 J Beaming-corrected 'True' total energy (Energy in gamma rays+relativistic kinetic energy) of hyper-energetic Gamma Ray Burst[२०५][२०६][२०७][२०८][२०९]
1046   1×1046 J Estimated energy released in a hypernova[२१०]
1047   1.8×1047 J Theoretical total mass-energy of the Sun[२११][२१२]
5.4×1047 J Mass-energy emitted as gravitational waves during the merger of two black holes, originally about 30 Solar masses each, as observed by LIGO[२१३]
8.8×1047 J GRB 080916C - the most powerful Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) ever recorded - total 'apparent'/isotropic (not corrected for beaming) energy output estimated at 8.8 × 1047 joules (8.8 × 1054 erg), or 4.9 times the sun’s mass turned to energy.[२१४]
1053   6x1053 J Total mechanical energy or enthalpy in the powerful AGN outburst in the RBS 797[२१५]
1054   3x1054 J Total mechanical energy or enthalpy in the powerful AGN outburst in the Hercules A (3C 348)[२१६]
1055   1055 J Total mechanical energy or enthalpy in the powerful AGN outburst in the MS 0735.6+7421
1058   4×1058 J Visible mass-energy in our galaxy, the Milky Way[२१७][२१८]
1059   1×1059 J Total mass-energy of our galaxy, the Milky Way, including dark matter and dark energy[२१९][२२०]
1062   1–2×1062 J Total mass-energy of the Virgo Supercluster including dark matter, the Supercluster which contains the Milky Way[२२१]
1069   4×1069 J Estimated total mass-energy of the observable universe[२२२]

इन्हें भी देखें


  1. साँचा:cite web
  2. Calculated: KE_avg ≈ (3/2) * T * 1.38E-23 = (3/2) * 1E-10 * 1.38E-23 ≈ 2.07E-33 J
  3. Calculated: E_photon = hv = 6.626e-34 J-s * 1e6 Hz = 6.6e-28 J. In eV: 6.6e-28 J / 1.6e-19 J/eV = 4.1e-9 eV.
  4. साँचा:cite web
  5. Calculated: E_photon = hv = 6.626e-34 J-s * 2.45e8 Hz = 1.62e-24 J. In eV: 1.62e-24 J / 1.6e-19 J/eV = 1.0e-5 eV.
  6. साँचा:cite web
  7. Calculated: KE_avg ≈ (3/2) * T * 1.38E-23 = (3/2) * 1 * 1.38E-23 ≈ 2.07E-23 J
  8. इस तक ऊपर जायें: साँचा:cite web
  9. Calculated: 1e3 J / 6.022e23 entities per mole = 1.7e-21 J per entity
  10. Calculated: 1.381e-23 J/K * 298.15 K / 2 = 2.1e-21 J
  11. इस तक ऊपर जायें: साँचा:cite web
  12. Calculated: 2 to 4 kJ/mol = 2e3 J / 6.022e23 molecules/mol = 3.3e-21 J. In eV: 3.3e-21 J / 1.6e-19 J/eV = 0.02 eV. 4e3 J / 6.022e23 molecules/mol = 6.7e-21 J. In eV: 6.7e-21 J / 1.6e-19 J/eV = 0.04 eV.
  13. साँचा:cite web
  14. Calculated: 4 to 13 kJ/mol. 4 kJ/mol = 4e3 J / 6.022e23 molecules/mol = 6.7e-21 J. In eV: 6.7e-21 J / 1.6e-19 eV/J = 0.042 eV. 13 kJ/mol = 13e3 J / 6.022e23 molecules/mol = 2.2e-20 J. In eV: 13e3 J / 6.022e23 molecules/mol / 1.6e-19 eV/J = 0.13 eV.
  15. Thomas, S.; Abdalla, F.; Lahav, O. (2010). "Upper Bound of 0.28 eV on Neutrino Masses from the Largest Photometric Redshift Survey". Physical Review Letters. 105 (3): 031301. arXiv:0911.5291. Bibcode:2010PhRvL.105c1301T. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.031301. PMID 20867754.
  16. Calculated: 0.28 eV * 1.6e-19 J/eV = 4.5e-20 J
  17. साँचा:cite web
  18. साँचा:cite web
  19. Calculated: E = h * c / lambda. E_780_nm = 6.6e-34 kg-m^2/s * 3e8 m/s / (780e-9 m) = 2.5e-19 J. E_390 _nm = 6.6e-34 kg-m^2/s * 3e8 m/s / (390e-9 m) = 5.1e-19 J
  20. Calculated: 50 kcal/mol * 4.184 J/calorie / 6.0e22e23 molecules/mol = 3.47e-19 J. (3.47e-19 J / 1.60e-19 eV/J = 2.2 eV.) and 200 kcal/mol * 4.184 J/calorie / 6.0e22e23 molecules/mol = 1.389e-18 J. (7.64e-19 J / 1.60e-19 eV/J = 8.68 eV.)
  21. साँचा:cite journal
  22. साँचा:cite web
  23. Calculated: 1/2 * 27e-12 g * (3.5 miles per hour)^2 = 3e-15 J
  24. साँचा:cite web. "The eardrum is a [...] membran[e] with an area of 65 mm2."
  25. साँचा:cite web
  26. Calculated: two eardrums ≈ 1 cm2. 1e-6 W/m2 * 1e-4 m2 * 1 s = 1e-14 J
  27. साँचा:cite book
  28. Calculated: 170e3 eV * 1.6e-19 J/eV = 2.7e-14 J
  29. साँचा:cite web
  30. साँचा:cite web
  31. साँचा:cite web
  32. साँचा:cite web
  33. इस तक ऊपर जायें: साँचा:cite web
  34. इस तक ऊपर जायें: साँचा:cite web
  35. साँचा:cite web
  36. साँचा:cite web
  37. साँचा:cite web
  38. साँचा:cite web
  39. साँचा:cite web
  40. Calculated: 7e-4 g * 9.8 m/s2 * 1e-4 m
  41. साँचा:cite web
  42. साँचा:cite web
  43. Calculated: 50e9 eV * 1.6e-19 J/eV = 8e-9 J
  44. साँचा:cite web
  45. साँचा:cite web
  46. Amsler, C.; Doser, M.; Antonelli, M.; Asner, D.; Babu, K.; Baer, H.; Band, H.; Barnett, R.; Bergren, E.; Beringer, J.; Bernardi, G.; Bertl, W.; Bichsel, H.; Biebel, O.; Bloch, P.; Blucher, E.; Blusk, S.; Cahn, R. N.; Carena, M.; Caso, C.; Ceccucci, A.; Chakraborty, D.; Chen, M. -C.; Chivukula, R. S.; Cowan, G.; Dahl, O.; d'Ambrosio, G.; Damour, T.; De Gouvêa, A.; Degrand, T. (2008). "Review of Particle Physics⁎". Physics Letters B. 667: 1–6. Bibcode:2008PhLB..667....1A. doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2008.07.018. Archived from the original on 12 जुलाई 2012. Retrieved 14 अगस्त 2017. {{cite journal}}: Check date values in: |access-date= and |archive-date= (help)
  47. साँचा:cite web
  48. साँचा:cite web
  49. साँचा:cite arXiv
  50. साँचा:cite web
  51. Calculated: 400e9 eV * 1.6e-19 J/eV = 6.4e-8 J
  52. इस तक ऊपर जायें: साँचा:cite web
  53. साँचा:cite web
  54. साँचा:cite web
  55. साँचा:cite web
  56. Calculated: 6.5e12 eV per beam * 1.6e-19 J/eV = 1.04e-6 J
  57. साँचा:cite web
  58. Calculated: m*g*h = 11.34e-3 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 * 1 m = 1.1e-1 J
  59. साँचा:cite web
  60. Calculated: m*g*h = 1e-1 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 * 1 m = 1 J
  61. साँचा:cite web
  62. साँचा:cite web
  63. साँचा:cite web
  64. Calculated: 5e19 eV * 1.6e-19 J/ev = 8 J
  65. साँचा:cite web
  66. Bird, D. J. (March 1995). "Detection of a cosmic ray with measured energy well beyond the expected spectral cutoff due to cosmic microwave radiation". Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 441, no. 1, p. 144-150. Bibcode:1995ApJ...441..144B. Retrieved 14 February 2014. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  67. साँचा:cite web
  68. साँचा:cite web
  69. साँचा:cite web
  70. साँचा:cite web
  71. साँचा:cite web
  72. Kinetic energy at start of jump = potential energy at high point of jump. Using a mass of 70 kg and a high point of 40 cm => energy = m*g*h = 70 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 * 40e-2 m = 274 J
  73. साँचा:cite web
  74. साँचा:cite web
  75. साँचा:cite web
  76. Calculated: 1/2 * 0.8 kg * (30 m/s)^2 = 360 J
  77. साँचा:cite web
  78. साँचा:cite web
  79. Calculated: 1/2 * 2 kg * (24.4 m/s)^2 = 595.4 J
  80. साँचा:cite web
  81. Calculated: 1/2 * 7.26 kg * (14.7 m/s)^2 = 784 J
  82. Kopp, G.; Lean, J. L. (2011). "A new, lower value of total solar irradiance: Evidence and climate significance" (PDF). Geophysical Research Letters. 38: n/a. Bibcode:2011GeoRL..38.1706K. doi:10.1029/2010GL045777. Archived from the original on 26 जुलाई 2017. Retrieved 14 अगस्त 2017. {{cite journal}}: Check date values in: |access-date= and |archive-date= (help)
  83. साँचा:cite web
  84. साँचा:cite web
  85. powerlabs.org – The PowerLabs Solid State Can Crusher! स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "webarchive" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है।, 2002
  86. साँचा:cite web
  87. साँचा:cite web
  88. Calculated: 1/2 * 7.26 kg * (30.7 m/s)^2 = 3420 J
  89. इस तक ऊपर जायें: 4.2e9 J/ton of TNT-equivalent * (1 ton/1e6 grams) = 4.2e3 J/gram of TNT-equivalent
  90. साँचा:cite web
  91. साँचा:cite web
  92. साँचा:cite web
  93. साँचा:cite web
  94. साँचा:cite web
  95. इस तक ऊपर जायें: साँचा:cite web
  96. Calculated: E = 1/2 m*v^2 = 1/2 * (1e-3 kg) * (1e4 m/s)^2 = 5e4 J.
  97. इस तक ऊपर जायें: साँचा:cite web
  98. Calculated: Using car weights of 1 ton to 5 tons. E = 1/2 m*v^2 = 1/2 * (1e3 kg) * (55 mph * 1600 m/mi / 3600 s/hr) = 3.0e5 J. E = 1/2 * (5e3 kg) * (55 mph * 1600 m/mi / 3600 s/hr) = 15e5 J.
  99. साँचा:cite web
  100. Calculated: KE = 1/2 * 2e3 kg * (32 m/s)^2 = 1.0e6 J
  101. साँचा:cite web
  102. इस तक ऊपर जायें: साँचा:cite web
  103. Calculated: 2000 food calories = 2.0e6 cal * 4.184 J/cal = 8.4e6 J
  104. Calculated: 1/2 * m * v^2 = 1/2 * 48.78 kg * (655 m/s)^2 = 1.0e7 J.
  105. Calculated: 2600 food calories = 2.6e6 cal * 4.184 J/cal = 1.1e7 J
  106. साँचा:cite web
  107. Calculated J per dollar: 1 million BTU/$28.90 = 1e6 BTU / 28.90 dollars * 1.055e3 J/BTU = 3.65e7 J/dollar
  108. Calculated cost per kWh: 1 kWh * 3.60e6 J/kWh / 3.65e7 J/dollar = 0.0986 dollar/kWh
  109. साँचा:cite web
  110. साँचा:cite web
  111. साँचा:cite web
  112. साँचा:cite web
  113. साँचा:cite web
  114. Calculated: 90 hr * 3600 seconds/hr * 5 W/kg * 65 kg = 1.1e8 J
  115. साँचा:cite web
  116. साँचा:cite web
  117. साँचा:cite web
  118. Calculated: 380 kW-h * 3.6e6 J/kW-h = 1.37e9 J
  119. साँचा:cite web
  120. thepartsbin.com – Volvo Fuel Tank: Compare at The Parts Binसाँचा:category handlerसाँचा:main otherसाँचा:main other[dead link], 6 May 2012
  121. <math>E_p = \sqrt{\frac{\hbar c^5}{G}} </math>
  122. साँचा:cite web
  123. Calculated: 1.3 J/s * 80 years * 3.16e7 s/year = 3.3e9 J
  124. साँचा:cite web
  125. Calculated: 1239 kWh * 3.6e6 J/kWh = 4.5e9 J
  126. इस तक ऊपर जायें: Energy Units स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "webarchive" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है।, by Arthur Smith, 21 January 2005
  127. साँचा:cite web
  128. Calculated: 11 tons of TNT-equivalent * 4.184e9 J/ton of TNT-equivalent = 4.6e10 J
  129. साँचा:cite web
  130. साँचा:cite web
  131. Calculated: 581 gallons * 125e6 J/gal = 7.26e10 J
  132. Calculated: 1e6 Watts * 86400 seconds/day = 8.6e10 J
  133. Calculated: 3.44e-10 J/U-235-fission * 1e-3 kg / (235 amu per U-235-fission * 1.66e-27 amu/kg) = 8.82e-10 J
  134. Calculated: 2000 kcal/day * 365 days/year * 80 years = 2.4e11 J
  135. साँचा:cite web
  136. इस तक ऊपर जायें: साँचा:cite web
  137. Calculated: 97530 liters * 0.804 kg/L * 43.15 MJ/kg = 3.38e12 J
  138. Calculated: 1e9 Watts * 3600 seconds/hour
  139. साँचा:cite web
  140. साँचा:cite web
  141. Calculated: 7500e6 Watt-days/tonne * (0.020 tonnes per bundle) * 86400 seconds/day = 1.3e13 J of burnup energy. Electricity = burnup * ~29% efficiency = 3.8e12 J
  142. साँचा:cite web
  143. Calculated: 183380 liters * 0.804 kg/L * 43.15 MJ/kg = 6.36e12 J
  144. साँचा:cite web
  145. Calculated: 320,000 l * 0.804 kg/L * 43.15  MJ/kg = 11.1e12 J
  146. साँचा:cite web
  147. साँचा:cite web
  148. Calculated: E = 1/2 m.v2 = 1/2 * 417000 kg * (7700m/s)2 = 1.2e13 J
  149. साँचा:cite web
  150. Calculated: 15 kt = 15e9 grams of TNT-equivalent * 4.2e3 J/gram TNT-equivalent = 6.3e13 J
  151. साँचा:cite web
  152. साँचा:cite web
  153. इस तक ऊपर जायें: साँचा:cite web
  154. साँचा:cite web
  155. इस तक ऊपर जायें: साँचा:cite web
  156. Calculated: 288.6e6 kWh * 3.60e6 J/kWh = 1.04e15 J
  157. Calculated: 4.2e9 J/ton of TNT-equivalent * 1e6 tons/megaton = 4.2e15 J/megaton of TNT-equivalent
  158. Calculated: 3.02e9 kWh * 3.60e6 J/kWh = 1.09e16 J
  159. Calculated: E = mc^2 = 1 kg * (2.998e8 m/s)^2 = 8.99e16 J
  160. साँचा:cite web
  161. इस तक ऊपर जायें: The Earth has a cross section of 1.274×1014 square meters and the solar constant is 1361 watts per square meter.
  162. साँचा:cite web
  163. Calculated: 50e6 tons TNT-equivalent * 4.2e9 J/ton TNT-equivalent = 2.1e17 J
  164. Calculated: 115.6e9 kWh * 3.60e6 J/kWh = 4.16e17 J
  165. साँचा:cite book
  166. Calculated: 200e6 tons of TNT equivalent * 4.2e9 J/ton of TNT equivalent = 8.4e17 J
  167. Calculated: 402e9 kWh * 3.60e6 J/kWh = 1.45e17 J
  168. Calculated: 3.741e12 kWh * 3.600e6 J/kWh = 1.347e19 J
  169. साँचा:cite web
  170. Calculated: 3.953e12 kWh * 3.600e6 J/kWh = 1.423e19 J
  171. इस तक ऊपर जायें: साँचा:cite web
  172. Calculated: 17.8e12 kWh * 3.60e6 J/kWh = 6.41e19 J
  173. Calculated: 18.95e12 kWh * 3.60e6 J/kWh = 6.82e19 J
  174. इस तक ऊपर जायें: साँचा:cite web
  175. Calculated: 12002.4e6 tonnes of oil equivalent * 42e9 J/tonne of oil equivalent = 5.0e20 J
  176. इस तक ऊपर जायें: साँचा:cite web
  177. स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "citation/CS1" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है।
  178. साँचा:cite web
  179. Final number is computed. Energy Outlook 2007 shows 15.9% of world energy is nuclear. IAEA estimates conventional uranium stock, at today's prices is sufficient for 85 years. Convert billion kilowatt-hours to joules then: 6.25×1019×0.159×85 = 8.01×1020.
  180. Calculated: "6608.9 trillion cubic feet" => 6608.9e3 billion cubic feet * 0.025 million tonnes of oil equivalent/billion cubic feet * 1e6 tonnes of oil equivalent/million tonnes of oil equivalent * 42e9 J/tonne of oil equivalent = 6.9e21 J
  181. Calculated: "188.8 thousand million tonnes" => 188.8e9 tonnes of oil * 42e9 J/tonne of oil = 7.9e21 J
  182. Calculated: 1.27e14 m^2 * 1370 W/m^2 * 86400 s/day = 1.5e22 J
  183. Calculated: 860938 million tonnes of coal => 860938e6 tonnes of coal * (1/1.5 tonne of oil equivalent / tonne of coal) * 42e9 J/tonne of oil equivalent = 2.4e22 J
  184. Calculated: natural gas + petroleum + coal = 6.9e21 J + 7.9e21 J + 2.4e22 J = 3.9e22 J
  185. साँचा:cite web
  186. साँचा:cite journal
  187. Calculated: 1.27e14 m^2 * 1370 W/m^2 * 86400 s/day = 5.5e24 J
  188. इस तक ऊपर जायें: साँचा:cite web
  189. साँचा:cite web
  190. Calculated: KE = 1/2 * m * v^2. v = 1.023e3 m/s. m = 7.349e22 kg. KE = 1/2 * (7.349e22 kg) * (1.023e3 m/s)^2 = 3.845e28 J.
  191. साँचा:cite web
  192. साँचा:cite web
  193. Calculated: E_rotational = 1/2 * I * w^2 = 1/2 * (8.0e37 kg m^2) * (2*pi/(23.9345 hour period * 3600 seconds/hour))^2 = 2.1e29 J
  194. Calculated: 3.8e26 J/s * 86400 s/day = 3.3e31 J
  195. साँचा:cite web
  196. साँचा:cite web
  197. Calculated: 3.8e26 J/s * 86400 s/day * 365.25 days/year = 1.2e34 J
  198. साँचा:cite web
  199. साँचा:cite web
  200. <math>U = \frac{(3/5)GM^2}{r}</math>
    Chandrasekhar, S. 1939, An Introduction to the Study of Stellar Structure (Chicago: U. of Chicago; reprinted in New York: Dover), section 9, eqs. 90–92, p. 51 (Dover edition)
    Lang, K. R. 1980, Astrophysical Formulae (Berlin: Springer Verlag), p. 272
  201. Frail, D. A.; Kulkarni, S. R.; Sari, R.; Djorgovski, S. G.; Bloom, J. S.; Galama, T. J.; Reichart, D. E.; Berger, E.; Harrison, F. A.; Price, P. A.; Yost, S. A.; Diercks, A.; Goodrich, R. W.; Chaffee, F. (2001). "Beaming in Gamma-Ray Bursts: Evidence for a Standard Energy Reservoir" (PDF). The Astrophysical Journal. 562: L55. arXiv:astro-ph/0102282. Bibcode:2001ApJ...562L..55F. doi:10.1086/338119. "the gamma-ray energy release, corrected for geometry, is narrowly clustered around 5 * 10^50 erg"
  202. Calculated: 5e50 erg * 1e-7 J/erg = 5e43 J
  203. साँचा:cite journal
  204. साँचा:cite journal
  205. url= http://arxiv.org/abs/1003.3885 स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "webarchive" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है।
  206. url= http://arxiv.org/abs/1004.2900 स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "webarchive" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है।
  207. url= http://arxiv.org/abs/0905.0690 स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "webarchive" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है।
  208. url= http://tsvi.phys.huji.ac.il/presentations/Frail_AstroExtreme.pdf स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "webarchive" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है।
  209. url= http://fermi.gsfc.nasa.gov/science/mtgs/grb2010/tue/Dale_Frail.ppt स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "webarchive" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है।
  210. साँचा:cite web
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  213. Abbott, B.; et al. (2016). "Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger". Physical Review Letters. 116 (6): 061102. arXiv:1602.03837. Bibcode:2016PhRvL.116f1102A. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.061102. PMID 26918975.
  214. साँचा:cite web
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  216. url= http://iopscience.iop.org/1538-4357/625/1/L9/fulltext/19121.text.html
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साँचा:परिमाण की कोटि