hiwiki:IPA for Dutch and Afrikaans

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The charts below show the way in which the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) represents Dutch and Afrikaans pronunciations in Wikipedia articles.

See Dutch phonology for a more thorough look at the sounds of Dutch.

IPA Examples English
Flag of the Netherlands.svg
Flag of Flanders.svg
Flag of South Africa.svg
साँचा:square bracket openघोष द्वयोष्ठ्य स्पर्श|b]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang beet
साँचा:square bracket openvoiced alveolar plosive|d]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang den
साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless labiodental fricative|f]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless labiodental fricative|f]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang fast
साँचा:square bracket openvoiced labiodental fricative|v]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang,[२] साँचा:lang oven
साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless velar fricative|x]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless palatal fricative|ç]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless uvular fricative|χ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang[३] loch ~ hue
साँचा:square bracket openvoiced velar fricative|ɣ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:square bracket openvoiced palatal fricative|ʝ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang[४][२] rasgo ~ ayuda
साँचा:square bracket openvoiced glottal fricative|ɦ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang[२] behind
साँचा:square bracket openpalatal approximant|j]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang yard
साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless velar plosive|k]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang cat
साँचा:square bracket openalveolar lateral approximant|l]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang[५] land
साँचा:square bracket openbilabial nasal|m]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang man
साँचा:square bracket openवर्त्स्य नासिक्य|n]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang[६] neck
साँचा:square bracket openकण्ठ्य नासिक्य|ŋ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang long
साँचा:square bracket openअघोष द्वयोष्ठ्य स्पर्श|p]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang pen
साँचा:square bracket openalveolar trill|r]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang[७] a rolled R
साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless alveolar sibilant|s]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless alveolar sibilant|s]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang sock
साँचा:square bracket openvoiced alveolar sibilant|z]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang[२] jazz
साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless alveolar plosive|t]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang tall
साँचा:square bracket openlabiodental approximant|ʋ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:square bracket openvoiced labio-velar approximant|w]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:square bracket openvoiced labiodental fricative|v]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang[८] wing, velvet (Af)
Marginal consonants
साँचा:square bracket openglottal stop|ʔ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang[९]
the catch in uh-oh!
साँचा:square bracket openvoiced velar plosive|ɡ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang[१०] goal
साँचा:square bracket openअघोष पश्वर्त्स्य संघर्षी|ʃ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang, साँचा:lang[११] shall
साँचा:square bracket openघोष पश्वर्त्स्य संघर्षी|ʒ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang[२][११] vision
साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless palato-alveolar affricate|tʃ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang, साँचा:lang, साँचा:lang (Af.) chat
साँचा:square bracket openvoiced palato-alveolar affricate|dʒ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang jump
साँचा:square bracket openstress (linguistics)|ˈ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang
as in battleship
साँचा:square bracket opensecondary stress|ˌ]]साँचा:yesno
IPA Examples English
Flag of the Netherlands.svg
Flag of Flanders.svg
Flag of South Africa.svg
Checked vowels[१३]
साँचा:square bracket openopen back unrounded vowel|ɑ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:square bracket opennear-open central vowel|ɐ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang[१४] father (but shorter), duck (Af.)
साँचा:square bracket openopen-mid front unrounded vowel|ɛ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang bed
साँचा:square bracket opennear-close near-front unrounded vowel|ɪ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:square bracket openmid-central vowel|ə]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang fish, asleep (Af.)
साँचा:square bracket openopen-mid back rounded vowel|ɔ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:square bracket openclose-mid back rounded vowel|o]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang bought (but shorter)
साँचा:square bracket opennear-close near-front rounded vowel|ʏ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:square bracket openopen-mid front rounded vowel|œ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang bit, but with rounded lips
Free vowels[१३]
साँचा:square bracket openopen central unrounded vowel|aː]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:square bracket openopen back unrounded vowel|ɑː]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang[१४] grandma
साँचा:square bracket opennear-open front unrounded vowel|æː]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang (Af.) ban (but longer)
साँचा:square bracket openclose-mid front unrounded vowel|eː]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang[१५][१६] between bate and bet, fear (Af.)
साँचा:square bracket openopen-mid front unrounded vowel|ɛː]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang (Af.)
साँचा:square bracket openclose front unrounded vowel|i]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang deep
साँचा:square bracket openclose-mid back rounded vowel|oː]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang[१५][१६] boat, moor (Af.)
साँचा:square bracket openopen-mid back rounded vowel|ɔː]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang (Af.) God (but longer)
साँचा:square bracket openclose front rounded vowel|y]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang feet with rounded lips
øʏ साँचा:square bracket openclose-mid front rounded vowel|øː]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang[१५][१६] neurotic (Af.)
साँचा:square bracket openclose back rounded vowel|u]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang boot, book (Af.)
ɛi साँचा:lang, साँचा:lang (Af.) May
œy œj साँचा:lang bait with rounded lips (Af.)
ʌu ɔu ɵu साँचा:lang ~ cow, coat (Af.)
साँचा:square bracket openmid-central vowel|ə]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang comma
Marginal vowels
साँचा:square bracket opennear-open central vowel|ɐ]]साँचा:yesno Wikipedia साँचा:lang[१४]|
साँचा:square bracket openopen-mid back rounded vowel|ɔː]]साँचा:yesno ʊə साँचा:lang[१६][१७] bought
साँचा:square bracket opennear-close near-front unrounded vowel|ɪː]]साँचा:yesno ɪə साँचा:lang[१६] serious
साँचा:square bracket opennear-close near-front rounded vowel|ʏː]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang[१६]
साँचा:square bracket openopen-mid front unrounded vowel|ɛː]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang,[१७] साँचा:lang (Af.) bet (but longer)
साँचा:square bracket openopen-mid front rounded vowel|œː]]साँचा:yesno øə साँचा:lang[१७]
साँचा:square bracket openclose front unrounded vowel|iː]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang[१७] beat
साँचा:square bracket openclose front rounded vowel|yː]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang[१७]



  1. Dutch devoices all obstruents at the ends of words (e.g. a final /d/ becomes [t]). This is partly reflected in the spelling: the voiced ‹z› in plural huizen ('houses') becomes huis ('house') in singular, and duiven ('doves') becomes duif ('dove'). The other cases are always written with the voiced consonant, even though a devoiced one is actually pronounced: the voiced ‹d› in plural baarden [baːrdən] ('beards') is retained in the singular spelling baard ('beard'), but pronounced as [baːrt]; and plural ribben [rɪbən] ('ribs') has singular rib, pronounced as [rɪp]. Because of assimilation, often the initial consonant of the next word is also devoiced, e.g. het vee ('the cattle') is [ɦətfeː].
  2. In some northern dialects, the voiced fricatives have almost completely merged with the voiceless ones; /ɦ/ is usually realized as [h], /v/ is usually realized as [f], /z/ is usually realized as [s].
  3. The sound spelled ‹ch› is a voiceless velar fricative [x] or voiceless uvular fricative [χ] in Northern Dutch, and a voiceless palatal fricative [ç] in Southern Dutch, including all of Dutch-speaking Belgium. See also Hard and soft G in Dutch.
  4. In the North /ɣ/ is usually realized as [x] or [χ], whereas in the South the distinction between /ʝ/ and /ç/ has been preserved. See also Hard and soft G in Dutch.
  5. The lateral /l/ is velarized to [ɫ] postvocalically (and may even be vocalized by certain speakers).
  6. The final ‹n› of the plural ending -en is usually not pronounced, except in the North East (Low Saxon) and the South West (East and West Flemish) where the ending becomes a syllabic [n̩] sound. In Afrikaans it is also dropped in the written language.
  7. The realization of the /r/ phoneme varies considerably from dialect to dialect. In "standard" Dutch, /r/ is realized as the alveolar trill [r]. In some dialects, it is realized as an alveolar tap [ɾ], a voiced uvular fricative [ʁ], a uvular trill [ʀ], or even as an alveolar approximant [ɹ].
  8. The realization of the /ʋ/ phoneme varies considerably from the Northern to the Southern and Belgium dialects of the Dutch language. In the north of the Netherlands, it is a labiodental approximant [ʋ]. In the south of the Netherlands and in Belgium, it is pronounced as a bilabial approximant [β̞] (as it also is in the Hasselt and Maastricht dialects), and Standard Belgian Dutch uses the voiced labiovelar approximant [w]
  9. The glottal stop [ʔ] is not a separate phoneme in Dutch, but is inserted before vowel-initial syllables within words after /a/ and /ə/ and often also at the beginning of a word.
  10. /ɡ/ is not a native phoneme of Dutch or Afrikaans and only occurs in loanwords, like goal or when /k/ is voiced, like in zakdoek [zɑɡduk]. In Afrikaans it may occur as an allophone of /χ/
  11. /ʃ/ and /ʒ/ are not native phonemes of Dutch, and usually occur in borrowed words, like show and bagage ('baggage'). Even then, they are usually realized as [sʲ] and [zʲ], respectively. However, /s/ + /j/ sequences in Dutch are often realized as [sʲ], like in the word huisje ('little house'). In dialects that merge /s/ and /z/, [zʲ] is often realized as [sʲ].
  12. When the penultimate syllable is open, stress may fall on any of the last three syllables. When the penultimate syllable is closed, stress falls on either of the last two syllables. While stress is phonemic, minimal pairs are rare. For example vóórkomen /ˈvʊːrkoːmə(n)/ "to occur" and voorkómen /vʊːrˈkoːmə(n)/ "to prevent". In composite words, secondary stress is often present. Marking the stress in written Dutch is optional, never obligatory, but sometimes recommended.
  13. The "checked" vowels /ɑ/, /ɛ/, /ɪ/, /ɔ/, and /ʏ/ occur only in closed syllables, while their "free" counterparts //, //, /i/, //, and /y/ can occur in open syllables (as can the other vowels). These two sets also go by the names dull/sharp, dim/clear, lax/tense, closed/open, or short/long. Although vowel length is generally not phonemic in Dutch, one of each pair is pronounced slightly longer by many speakers, so the terms long and short traditionally used to explain the use of doubled consonants and vowels in the orthographic system.
  14. The near-open central vowel [ɐ] is an allophone of unstressed // and /ɑ/.
  15. //, //, and /øː/ are pronounced as long monophthongs in Belgium, and as narrow closing diphthongs [eɪ], [oʊ], [øʏ] in the Netherlands.
  16. When the vowels //, /øː/ and // precede /r/, they are pronounced [ɪː], [ʏː] and [ɔː], respectively.
  17. Found in loanwords.