hiwiki:विकिपरियोजना ज्ञानसन्दूक और साँचे

मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से
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परियोजना मुखपृष्ठ   मासिक सहकार्यता श्रेणियों की सूची   ज्ञानसन्दूक और साँचे   संवाद एवं सुझाव   चित्र- सूची

खगोलशास्त्र से संबन्धित शीर्षकों में प्रयोग होने वाले साँचे:

  1. {{सौरमण्डल}}
  2. इसको कॉपी करें लेख मे पेस्ट करने के बाद (<!-- -->) और इसके बीच के पाठ को हटाकर भरें

ज्ञानसन्दूक तारामंडल

{{ज्ञानसन्दूक तारामंडल
| name = <!-- IAU नाम -->
| abbreviation = <!-- IAU three letter abbreviation -->
| genitive = <!-- genitive form of the constellation, 
                  as used in Bayer or Flamsteed designations -->
| pronounce = <!-- pronunciation -->
| symbolism = <!-- symbolic meaning of the constellation -->
| RA = {{RA}} <!-- right ascension -->
| dec = {{DEC}} <!-- declination -->
| quadrant = <!-- galactic quadrant -->
| areatotal = 
| arearank = 
| numbermainstars = <!-- A count of the Bayer or Flamsteed designated stars that are
                         connected by line segments on the IAU's constellation map -->
| numberofstars = <!-- The number of stars with Bayer or Flamsteed designations 
                       in the constellation -->
| numberstarsplanets = X (Y with candidates) 
                       <!-- X being the number of stars with confirmed planets, 
                            Y being the number of stars with solid candidate planets 
                            without confirmed planets -->
| numberbrightstars = <!-- Number of stars with an apparent magnitude less than ~=3 
                           ( apparent magnitude < 3 ) -->
| numbernearbystars = <!-- Number of stars that are closer than 10pc 
                           ( distance < 10 parsecs ) -->
| brighteststarname = <!-- the star with the brightest apparent magnitude 
                           ( usually this would be "α genitive" ) -->
| starmagnitude = 
| neareststarname = 
| stardistance = 
| numbermessierobjects = 
| meteorshowers = 
| bordering = 
| latmax = 
| latmin = 
| month = 
| notes = 


| title=शीर्षक
| image= 
| caption=चित्र का नाम
| titlestyle=background: #30D5C8lc;
| headerstyle=background:
| belowstyle=background: #30D5C8;
| labelstyle=background: inherit;
| header1=आंकड़े
| label2=प्रकार
| data2= 
| label3=[[व्यास]]
| data3= 
| label4=मोटाई
| data4= 
| label6=तारों की संख्या
| data6= 
| label7=ज्ञात सबसे पुराना तारा
| data7= 
| label8=वजन
| data8= 
| label9=सूर्य से दूरी 
| data9= 
| label10= ग्रहों की संख्या
| data10= 
| label11=उम्र 
| data11= 
| label12= अन्य (लिखें)
| data12= 
| label13= अन्य (लिखें)
| data13= 
| below= 

ज्ञानसंदूक निहारिका

Template:Infobox nebula के नाम से भी चलेगा।

{{ज्ञानसंदूक निहारिका
|name          = 
|image         = <!-- name only, without File:/Image: and without brackets -->
|caption       = 
|credit        = <!-- Per MOS:CREDITS, credits are discouraged -->
|type          = 
|type2         = <!-- can be wikilinked -->
|epoch         = <!-- typically [[J2000]] -->
|subtype       = 
|class         = 
|ra            = <!-- {{RA|hh|mm|ss.wxyz}} or {{Deg2HMS|ddd.dddd|sup=yes}} -->
|dec           = <!-- {{DEC|±DD|MM|SS.WXYZ}} -->
|dist_ly       = 
|dist_pc       = 
|dist_z        = 
|appmag_v      = 
|appdia        = <!-- dd°mm'ss".mas -->
|size_v        = 
|constellation = 
|radius_ly     = 
|radius_pc     = 
|dimensions    = 
|absmag_v      = 
|notes         = 
|names         = 

ज्ञानसंदूक खगोलीय सर्वेक्षण

साँचा:ज्ञानसंदूक खगोलीय सर्वेक्षण देखें।

{{infobox astronomical survey
| name = 
| alt_names = 
| image = 
| caption = 
| coords= 
| type = 
| target = 
| organization = 
| namedafter = 
| code =  
| started =
| ended =
| observations =
| published    =
| wavelength   =  
| frequency    =
| website      =  
| commons      =