विमानक्षेत्रों की सूची ICAO कोड अनुसार: B

मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से
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Format of entries is:

  • ICAO (IATA) – Airport Name – Airport Location

BG – Greenland

Also see airport category and list.

Greenland is a self-governed territory of Denmark. Many locations in Greenland have Danish names in addition to the Greenlandic names. The Danish name, when applicable, is shown in parentheses.

B/BI – Iceland

Also see airport category and list.

B/BK – Kosovo

Also see airport category and list.


  1. As the status of the Kosovo is disputed, both Serbian (LY) and newly created Kosovarian (BK) ICAO designators are used. See main article Kosovo.