विकिपिडिया:IPA for Catalan

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The charts below show the way in which the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) represents Catalan language pronunciations in Wikipedia articles. There are two major standards, one of Catalan (based in Barcelona, encompassing most Eastern Catalan features) and one of Valencian (based in Southern Valencia, encompassing most Western Catalan features). Neither variant is preferred over the other at Wikipedia except in cases where a local pronunciation is clearly more relevant (such as a place in the Valencian Community or a Catalan artist).

See Catalan phonology for a more thorough look at the sounds of Catalan.

IPA Consonants
साँचा:flagicon साँचा:flagicon Examples English equivalent
साँचा:square bracket openघोष द्वयोष्ठ्य स्पर्श|b]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[१] best
साँचा:square bracket openघोष द्वयोष्ठ्य संघर्षी|β]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[२] between baby and bevy
साँचा:square bracket openvoiced dental plosive|d]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[१] dead
साँचा:square bracket openघोष दन्त्य संघर्षी|ð]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[२] this
साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless labiodental fricative|f]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang face
साँचा:square bracket openvoiced velar plosive|ɡ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[१][३] got
साँचा:square bracket openvoiced velar fricative|ɣ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[२][३] between go and ahold
साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless velar plosive|k]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; quan; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[३] scan
साँचा:square bracket openvelarized alveolar lateral approximant|ɫ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:square bracket openalveolar lateral approximant|l]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[४][५] wool or luck
साँचा:square bracket openvelarized alveolar lateral approximant|ɫ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[५] wool
साँचा:square bracket openpalatal lateral approximant|ʎ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[४] साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[५] roughly like million
साँचा:square bracket openbilabial nasal|m]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[६] mother
साँचा:square bracket openवर्त्स्य नासिक्य|n]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[६] need
साँचा:square bracket openकण्ठ्य नासिक्य|ŋ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[६] sing
साँचा:square bracket openतालव्य नासिक्य|ɲ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[६] roughly like canyon
साँचा:square bracket openअघोष द्वयोष्ठ्य स्पर्श|p]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang spouse
साँचा:square bracket openalveolar trill|r]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:square bracket openalveolar trill|r]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[७] trilled r
साँचा:square bracket openवर्त्स्य उत्क्षिप्त|ɾ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[७] ladder in American English
साँचा:square bracket openवर्त्स्य उत्क्षिप्त|ɾ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[७]
साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless alveolar sibilant|s]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[८] sack
साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless alveolar affricate|ts]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless alveolar sibilant|s]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[९] cats or sack
साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless alveolar affricate|ts]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang cats
साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless alveolo-palatal sibilant|ʃ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless alveolo-palatal sibilant|ʃ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[१०][११] sheep
साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless alveolo-palatal affricate|tʃ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[११] sheep or chin
साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless alveolo-palatal affricate|tʃ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[११] chin
साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless dental plosive|t]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang stand
साँचा:square bracket openvoiced labiodental fricative|v]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[१][१२] veal
साँचा:square bracket openvoiced alveolar sibilant|z]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[१][८] zebra
साँचा:square bracket openvoiced alveolar affricate|dz]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:square bracket openvoiced alveolar sibilant|z]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[१][९] pads or zebra
साँचा:square bracket openvoiced alveolar affricate|dz]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[१] pads
साँचा:square bracket openvoiced alveolo-palatal sibilant|ʒ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:square bracket openvoiced alveolo-palatal sibilant|ʒ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[१][११] vision
साँचा:square bracket openvoiced alveolo-palatal affricate|dʒ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[११] vision or gene
साँचा:square bracket openvoiced alveolo-palatal affricate|dʒ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[१][११] gene
IPA Marginal consonants[१३]
साँचा:square bracket openअघोष दन्त्य संघर्षी|θ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang thing
साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless glottal fricative|h]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[१४] ham
साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless velar fricative|x]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[१४] loch
IPA Vowels[१५]
साँचा:flagicon साँचा:flagicon Examples English equivalent
साँचा:square bracket openopen central unrounded vowel|a]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[१६] father
साँचा:square bracket openopen-mid front unrounded vowel|ɛ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:square bracket openopen-mid front unrounded vowel|ɛ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[१७] bed
साँचा:square bracket openclose-mid front unrounded vowel|e]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang[१८] साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang bed or pay
साँचा:square bracket openclose-mid front unrounded vowel|e]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang pay
साँचा:square bracket openmid-central vowel|ə]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:square bracket openopen central unrounded vowel|a]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[१९] साँचा:lang[२०] साँचा:lang[२१] about or father
साँचा:square bracket openclose-mid front unrounded vowel|e]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[१९] साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[२२] about or pay
साँचा:square bracket openclose front unrounded vowel|i]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[२०] about or see
साँचा:square bracket openclose front unrounded vowel|i]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang see
साँचा:square bracket openopen-mid back rounded vowel|ɔ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:square bracket openopen-mid back rounded vowel|ɔ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[१७] raw
साँचा:square bracket openclose-mid back rounded vowel|o]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang raw or code
साँचा:square bracket openclose-mid back rounded vowel|o]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang code
साँचा:square bracket openclose back rounded vowel|u]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:square bracket openclose-mid back rounded vowel|o]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang food or code
साँचा:square bracket openclose back rounded vowel|u]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[२०] food
साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang
IPA Marginal vowels[२३]
साँचा:square bracket openclose front rounded vowel|y]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang roughly like cute (NC)
साँचा:square bracket openmid front rounded vowel|ø]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang[२४] roughly like bird (NC)
IPA Semivowels[२५]
साँचा:flagicon साँचा:flagicon Examples English equivalent
साँचा:square bracket openpalatal approximant|j]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang you or boy
साँचा:square bracket openvoiced labio-velar approximant|w]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang; साँचा:lang wine or cow
IPA Suprasegmentals
साँचा:flagicon साँचा:flagicon Examples Explanation
साँचा:square bracket openstress (linguistics)|ˈ]]साँचा:yesno rínxol [ˈriɲʃuɫ] (C) / [ˈriɲtʃoɫ] (V) primary stress
साँचा:square bracket opensecondary stress|ˌ]]साँचा:yesno capgròs [ˌkabˈgɾɔs] (C/V) secondary stress
साँचा:square bracket opensyllabification|.]]साँचा:yesno ties [ˈti.əs] (C) / [ˈti.es] (V) syllable break
साँचा:square bracket openlength (phonetics)|ː]]साँचा:yesno cotna [ˈkonːə] (C) / [ˈkonːa] (V) gemination[२६]



See also




  1. Voiced obstruents /b d g v z dz ʒ dʒ/ are devoiced ([साँचा:square bracket openअघोष द्वयोष्ठ्य स्पर्श|p]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless dental plosive|t]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless velar plosive|k]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless labiodental fricative|f]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless alveolar sibilant|s]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless alveolar affricate|ts]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless alveolo-palatal sibilant|ʃ]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless alveolo-palatal affricate|tʃ]]साँचा:yesno]) at the end of an utterance. In some dialects (particularly North-Western Catalan and Central Catalan), /p t k/ and /b/ may be elided when occurring utterance-finally after a nasal consonant (e.g. amb, seient, sang), in the case of /t/, in some of these dialects, this has extended also after liquids (e.g. alt, hort). सन्दर्भ त्रुटि: <ref> अमान्य टैग है; "Devoice" नाम कई बार विभिन्न सामग्रियों में परिभाषित हो चुका है
  2. In Catalan and Valencian, /b d ɡ/ become lenited [साँचा:square bracket openघोष द्वयोष्ठ्य संघर्षी|β]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:square bracket openघोष दन्त्य संघर्षी|ð]]साँचा:yesno साँचा:square bracket openvoiced velar fricative|ɣ]]साँचा:yesno] (that is, fricatives or approximants of the same place of articulation) when in the syllable onset and after a continuant. Otherwise they are pronounced as voiced (or devoiced) stops, not dissimilar to English b, d, g and p, t, k. Exceptions include /d/ after a lateral consonant, and /b/ after /f/. In regular speech in Valencian, intervocalic [ð] may be elided (e.g. fideuada/fideuà).
  3. In most of Majorcan the velar plosives, /k/ and /g/, become palatal, [c] and [ɟ], before front vowels (/i e ɛ a/) and word-finally (e.g. figuera [fiˈɟeɾə], sac [ˈsac]) in some of these dialects, this has extended to all environments except before liquids and back vowels; e.g. sang [ˈsaɲс].
  4. Catalan orthography distinguishes between ‹ll› (representing /ʎ/), and ‹l·l› (representing a geminated /साँचा:square bracket openalveolar lateral approximant|l]]साँचा:yesnoसाँचा:square bracket openlength (phonetics)|ː]]साँचा:yesno/). In regular speech gemination of ‹l·l› is ignored altogether.
  5. ‹l› is always dark [ɫ] in Eastern Catalan. In other dialects, like Valencian, it may vary allophonically with the alveolar lateral approximant, [l]~[ɫ], as it does in English. In Catalan and Valencian, /l/ is assimilated to [ʎ] before palatal consonants (e.g. Elx, àlgid), and in La Franja Catalan (Aragon) /l/ is palatalized to [ʎ] in consonant clusters, such as /bl pl gl kl fl/; e.g. plou [ˈpʎɔw].
  6. The nasal consonants /n m ɲ/ only contrast before vowels. Before consonants, /n/ assimilates to the consonant's place of articulation (e.g. [ŋ] occurs before a velar consonant, [ɲ] before a palatal consonant, [m] before a labial consonant, while [n] is found elsewhere).
  7. The rhotic consonants /ɾ/ ‹r› and /r/ ‹rr› only contrast between vowels. Otherwise, they are in complementary distribution as ‹r› with, [r] occurring word-initially, after /l/, /n/, and /s/, in compounds and at the end of an utterance; [ɾ] is found elsewhere. Utterance-final /r/ is pronounced as [ɾ] in Valencian. In all Catalan dialects, except most of Valencian, word final /r/ is generally dropped (e.g. parlar [pərˈɫa], fer [ˈfe]), still and all there are many exceptions (e.g. per [pər]). In most cases, word final ‹r› is pronounced when the following word begins with a vowel (e.g. fer-hi [ˈfeɾi]; notice here intervocalic ‹r› is a tap, /ɾ/).
  8. In Catalan and Valencian an assimilation process occurs wherein two identical sibilants appearing in sequence within a word are reduced to a single consonant. For details, see Catalan orthography.
  9. In some dialects, /dz/ is deaffricated to [z] in verbal forms ending in -itzar; e.g. analitzar [ənəɫiˈza]/[analiˈza(ɾ)]. Similarly, /ts/, which only occurs word-initially in loanwords (e.g. tsar, tsuga) is deaffricated in these dialects.
  10. The pronunciation of words with the digraph ‹ix› varies; an absent [j] is generally more common in Eastern Catalan dialects (e.g. caixa [ˈkaʃə]) and [j]-retention is more common in Valencian and North-Western Catalan (e.g. caixa [ˈkajʃa]), though there are exceptions.
  11. While /ʃ ʒ tʃ dʒ/ are often described simply as "postalveolar" by many sources, phonetic work done by Daniel Recasens shows the postalveolar sibilants to be alveolo-palatal ([ɕ], [ʑ], [] and [], respectively). Nevertheless, since ‹ʃ ʒ tʃ dʒ› are overwhelmingly used in the linguistic literature on Catalan and Valencian, those characters are also used at Wikipedia.
  12. Several dialects have /v/ as a separate phoneme, in particular, Balearic, Alguerese, standard Valencian, and certain parts of Tarragona; e.g. viu [ˈviw]. Betacism (that is, merging of /b/ and /v/) is general in the rest of Catalan areas (e.g. viu [ˈbiw]).
  13. Marginal consonants are found in loanwords, largely from Spanish but also from Caló, Arabic, Hebrew, Greek, English, German, etc.
  14. Other than in loanwords and interjections, the letter ‹h› is always silent.
  15. All Catalan dialects contrast seven stressed vowels /a ɛ e i ɔ o u/ (though Balearic, especially Majorcan, contrasts eight stressed vowels; the former ones, plus /ə/). In Alguerese and Northern Catalan open-mid and close-mid vowels may merge into mid vowels [साँचा:square bracket openmid front unrounded vowel|e̞]]साँचा:yesno] and [साँचा:square bracket openmid back rounded vowel|o̞]]साँचा:yesno]. In unstressed position, the seven-way vowel contrast is reduced in all dialects.
    • Eastern Catalan (Central Catalan, Northern Catalan, Balearic and Alguerese): /e/, /ɛ/, and /a/ reduce to [ə] (though in Alguerese /e/, /ɛ/, and /a/ merge to [a]) while /o/ and /ɔ/ reduce to [u] (however, in most of Majorcan /ɔ/ and /o/ merge to [o]).
    • Western Catalan (North-Western Catalan and Valencian): /ɛ/ reduces to [e] and /ɔ/ reduces to [o]. Exceptionally there are some cases where unstressed ‹e› and ‹o› may reduce to [a] and [u] respectively. Furthermore, unstressed ‹e› may reduce to [i] in some other cases. In these dialects, open-mid vowels [ɛ] and [ɔ] can also appear in unstressed syllables.
    In Catalan and Valencian occurs synalepha (that is the merging of two syllables into one). A synalepha may be produced either by elision (when combining two non-high vowels): una hora [ˈunˈɔɾə]/[ˈunˈɔɾa]; or by diphthongization (when combining any vowel with high vowels); e.g. posa-hi [ˈpɔzəj]/[ˈpɔzaj].
  16. While in most dialects /a/ is central [ä], it is front [a] in many Balearic dialects.
  17. The mid-open vowels /ɛ/ and /ɔ/ are lower in Valencian and most Balearic dialects, that is, in these dialects the phonetic realization of /ɛ/ approaches [æ], while /ɔ/ is as low as [ɒ].
  18. In most of Balearic, especially Majorcan, /ə/ can appear in stressed position; e.g. sec [ˈsəc]. This corresponds to stressed /ɛ/ or /e/ in other dialects.
  19. Many Valencian dialects feature a sort of vowel harmony when a syllable with stressed /ɛ/ or /ɔ/ precedes another syllable with unstressed [a] or [e]; e.g. dona/es [ˈdɔnɔ(s)]~[ˈdɔnɛ(s)] and terra/es [ˈtɛrɛ(s)]~[ˈtɛrɔ(s)].
  20. In some Valencian and North-Western Catalan dialects there are some instances where unstressed ‹e› and ‹o› may be reduced:
    • Unstressed ‹e› merges with [a] before a nasal or sibilant consonant (e.g. enveja, espill, eixugar), in monosyllabic clitics, and in some environments before any consonant (e.g. terròs, clevill, trepitjar). Likewise, unstressed ‹e› merges into [i], in lexical derivation with -eixement/-aixement (e.g. coneixement). In some subvarieties /e/ is raised to [i] in all instances when in contact with palatal consonants; e.g. senyor [siˈɲo(ɾ)].
    • Unstressed ‹o› merges with [u] before a bilabial consonant (e.g. cobert), when it precedes a stressed syllable with a high vowel (e.g. conill), in contact with palatal consonants (e.g. Josep), and in monosyllabic clitics.
  21. In North-Western Catalan word final unstress ‹a› and ‹e› may reduce to [ɛ]; e.g. Lleida [ˈʎejðɛ], dona/es [ˈdɔnɛ(s)]; terra/es [ˈtɛrɛ(s)].
  22. In most of Valencian, preposition amb merges with en. Also, some verbal forms ending in unstressed ‹a› are pronounced as [e] (e.g. verbs in third person singular: cantava, cantaria, canta, thus in Valencian first person singular (jo) cantava [kanˈtava] contrasts with third person singular (ell) cantava [kanˈtave], a similar process also occurs with gender neutral words; e.g. artista (m.) [aɾˈtiste] and artista (f.) [aɾˈtista]).
  23. Marginal vowels are found in Northern Catalan in loanwords and interferences from Occitan and French.
  24. In Northern Catalan /u/ becomes [ø] in some instances in contact with palatal consonants (e.g. fulles [ˈføjəs]~[ˈfuʎəs]). In other cases it may appear in French interferences, such as sœur or jeunesse (instead of Catalan germana and joventut).
  25. The semivowels /w/ and /j/ can be combined with most vowels to form diphthongs and triphthongs.
  26. Sonorants /m n l ʎ/ (except /ɲ/) are the most common geminated consonants (e.g. setmana, cotna), /ʎː/ does not occur in Valencian and Balearic Catalan (e.g. motlle/motle). In north-western and eastern varieties plosives /b/ and /g/ may also be geminated in certain environments, instead of usual lenition (e.g. poble [ˈpɔbːɫə], regla [ˈregːɫə]). Moreover affricates are particularly long in intervocalic position in many dialects; e.g. metge [ˈmeddʒə].