रंग पट्टिकाओं की सूची

मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से
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नेविगेशन पर जाएँ खोज पर जाएँ

यह रंग पट्टिकाओं की सूची एक लेख है, जो कम्प्यूटर ग्राफिक्स्, टर्मिनल एवं वीडियो गेम्स के प्रदर्शकों हेतु बना है।

रंग पट्टिका, जिसे रंग पैलेट भी कहते हैं, उसका केवल मात्र एक एक नमूना ही यहाँ दिया है।

नमूना परिक्षण सारणी, दी गई है।

RGB 24bits palette sample image.jpg RGB 24bits palette color test chart.png

एकवर्ण एवं रंगीन पैलेटों की सूची

एक वर्ण पैलेट

इन पैलेटों में स्लेटी वर्ण के कुछ छायाएं हैं।
Bilevel 1bit palette sample image.png एकवर्ण (1-बिट)]]
black and white
Grayscale 2bit palette sample image.png 2-bit ग्रेस्केल
22 = 4 स्लेटी स्तर
Grayscale 4bit palette sample image.png 4-bit ग्रेस्केल]]
24 = 16 स्लेटी स्तर
Grayscale 8bits palette sample image.png 8-bit ग्रेस्केल]]
28 = 256 स्लेटी स्तर

सामान्य RGB पैलेट

इन पूर्ण RGB पैलेट में बराबर संख्या में बिट प्रयुक्त होतीं हैं, लाल, हरे एवं नीले रंग की उज्ज्वलता स्टोर करने हेतु। अतः इनमें सदा ही बराबर संख्या में स्तर प्रति चैनल होते हैं, एवं कुल संख्या में दो की घन श्रेणी यानी क्यूब में रंग होते हैं।
RGB 3bits palette sample image.png 3-बिट RGB]]
23 = 8 रंग
RGB 6bits palette sample image.png 6-bit RGB
43 = 64 colors
RGB 9bits palette sample image.png 9-bit RGB
83 = 512 colors
RGB 12bits palette sample image.png 12-bit RGB
163 = 4096 colors
RGB 15bits palette sample image.png 15-bit RGB
323 = 32,768 colors (हाई कलर)
RGB 18bits palette sample image.png 18-bit RGB]]
643 = 262,144 colors
RGB 24bits palette sample image.jpg 24-bit RGB]]
2563 = 16,777,216 colors (ट्रू कलर)

असामान्य RGB पैलेट

These are also RGB palettes, in the sense defined above (except for the 4-bit RGBI, which has an intensity bit that affects all channels at once), but either they do not have the same number of levels for each primary channel, or the numbers are not powers of two, so are not represented as separate bit fields. All of these have been used in popular personal computers.
RGBI 4bits palette sample image.png 4-bit RGBI
23×2 = 16 colors
AmstradCPC palette sample image.png 3-level RGB
33 = 27 colors
MSX2 Screen8 palette sample image.png 3-3-2 bit RGB
8×8×4 = 256 colors
RGB 16bits palette sample image.png 16-bit RGB
32×64×32 = 65,536 colors (HighColor)

List of software palettes

Systems that use a 4-bit or 8-bit pixel depth can display up to 16 or 256 colors simultaneously. Many personal computers in the later 1980s and early 1990s displayed at most 256 different colors, freely selected by software (either by the user or by a program) from their wider hardware's color palette.

प्रणाली की विशेषताएं

These are selections of colors officially employed as system palettes in some popular operating systems for personal computers that features 8-bit displays.
Windows 16colors palette sample image.png Microsoft Windows default 16-color palette
16 colors
Windows 20colors palette sample image.png Microsoft Windows default 20-color palette
20 colors
RiscOS 16colors palette sample image.png RiscOS default 16-color palette
16 colors

RGB प्रबन्ध

These are selections of colors based on evenly ordered RGB levels, mainly used as master palettes to display any kind of image within the limitations of the 8-bit pixel depth.
RGB 6levels palette sample image.png 6 level RGB
63 = 216 colors
RGB 6-7-6-levels palette sample image.png 6-7-6 levels RGB
6×7×6 = 252 colors
RGB 6-8-5levels palette sample image.png 6-8-5 levels RGB
6×8×5 = 240 colors
RGB 8-8-4-levels palette sample image.png 8-8-4 levels RGB
8×8×4 = 256 colors

अन्य सामान्य प्रयोग

Grayscale 8bits palette sample image.png Grayscale palettes
up to 256 levels of gray
Color gradient map (blue) palette sample image.png Color gradient palettes
up to 256 levels of any arbitrary hue
Adaptative 8bits palette sample image.png Adaptive palettes
up to 256 picked colors
False colors palette sample image.png False color palettes
up to 256 continuous-tone colors

कम्प्यूटर हार्ड्वेयर पैलेट की सूची

The color palettes of some of the most popular early personal computers and terminals. They may be based on RGB palettes, but also common are specific hardware-implemented 4, 16 or more colors palettes: not bit nor level combinations of RGB primaries, but fixed ROM/circuitry colors selected by the manufacturer.

Many of early models output composite video YPbPr colors. When seen on TV devices, the perception of the colors may be not corresponding with the value levels for the YPbPr values employed (most noticeable with NTSC TV color system).

For current RGB display systems for PC's (Super VGA, etc.), see the 16-bit RGB and 24-bit RGB for HighColor (thousands) and TrueColor (millions of colors) modes.

For video game consoles, see the List of videogame consoles section.

टर्मिनल एवं 8-bit मशीनें

Screen color test Teletext.png Teletext (1976)
Graphic block characters, 8-color
Screen color test AppleII HighRes.png Apple II (1977)
Low 16- and high resolution 4-color graphic modes
Screen color test CommodoreVIC20 Multicolor.png Commodore VIC-20 (1981)
200 definible characters of 8×16 bits each, 8- or 10-color modes
Screen color test CGA 4colors Mode4 Palette2 HighIntensity.png CGA for IBM-PC (1981)
16-colors text mode, 4-color and monochrome graphic modes
Screen color test Commodore64 Multicolor.png Commodore 64 (1982)
Multicolor and High resolution 16-color graphic modes
Screen color test ZXSpectrum.png ZX Spectrum (1982)
16-colors by attributes
Screen color test MSX Screen2.png MSX systems (1983)
"Screen 2" and "Screen 3" 15-color graphic modes
Screen color test CommodorePlus4 Multicolor.png Commodore Plus/4 (1984)
Multicolor and High resolution 16-color graphic modes
Screen color test AmstradCPC 16colors.png Amstrad CPC (1984)
Low 16-, medium 4- and high resolution 2-color graphic modes
Screen color test MSX2 Screen8.png MSX2 systems (1985)
"Screen 5" 16- and "Screen 8" 256-color graphic modes
Screen color test MSX2plus Screen12.png MSX2+ systems (1988)
"Screen 10&11" 12,499- YJK+YAE and "Screen 12" 19,268-color YJK graphic modes

16-bit मशीनें

Screen color test EGA 16colors.png EGA for IBM-AT (1984)
Medium and high resolution 16-color graphic modes
चित्र:Screen color test AtariST 16colors.png Atari ST (1985)
Low 16-, medium 4-color and high resolution monochrome modes
Screen color test Amiga 32colors.png Commodore Amiga OCS (1985)
2-, 4-, 8-, 16- and 32-color standard graphic modes, EHB 64- and HAM 4096-color enhanced modes
Screen color test AppleIIgs 16x16colors.png Apple IIgs (1986)
Super High Res 4-, 8-, 16- and 256-color graphic modes
Screen color test VGA 256colors.png MCGA and VGA for IBM-AT (1987)
Medium 256- and high resolution 16-color graphic modes

वीडियो गेम प्रदर्शक पैलेटाँ की सूची

Color palettes of some of the most popular videogame consoles. The criteria are the same that of the List of computer hardware palettes section.

(No simulation available) Atari 2600
? out of 128 colors
(No simulation available) NES
24 out of 56 colors
(No simulation available) SuperNES
? out of 32,768 colors
Screen color test Gameboy.png Nintendo Gameboy
4 shades of green
Screen color test GameboyColor 32colors.png Nintendo Gameboy Color
Type 1 cartridges tricky 10-color startup palettes and Type 3 32-color cartridges
Screen color test GameboyAdvance 32Kcolors.png Nintendo Gameboy Advance/SP/Micro
Type 3 32-color and Type 4 32,768-color cartridges
Screen color test SEGAMasterSystem.png SEGA Master System
32-color out of 64
चित्र:Screen color test SEGAGameGear.png SEGA Game Gear
32-color out of 4,096
(No simulation available) SEGA Mega Drive/Genesis
61-color out of 512
