
मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से
imported>Sanjeev bot द्वारा परिवर्तित ०७:४५, २१ जनवरी २०२२ का अवतरण (बॉट: -lintErrors (tt->code))
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Template:Ltsmeta (edit talk links history) on Meta


This {{Ltsmeta|template name}} shows links for a template also available on Meta. It's used for templates often copied from Meta to other sister projects, or vice versa.

In general is a means of checking interwiki on the key parameters that may be affected by a change in the template page where used (i.e. '{PAGENAME}' is default), or which is specified by the first argument, if given one.

Similar templates at English sister projects [edit]
Wikimedia-logo.svg mta Meta-wiki Ltsmeta
Wikipedia-logo-v2.svg wpd Wikipedia Ltsmeta
Commons-logo.svg cms Commons Ltsmeta
Wikibooks-logo.svg wbk Wikibooks Ltsmeta
Wikispecies-logo.svg wsp Wikispecies Ltsmeta
Wikiversity-logo.svg wvy Wikiversity Ltsmeta


W:Template:Lts, M:Template:Lts, etc. on various Sister projects are a smaller variant of साँचा:tlxm with pleasant output, for use especially also on browsers which don't support ·.


{{Lts|template}} shows links for the specified template.
{{Lts}} shows links for a template wrt the {{PAGENAME}}.


Code Result
{{Lts|Lt}} Template:Lt (edit talk links history)
{{Lts}} Template:Ltsmeta (edit talk links history)

See also

Template:Lts (edit talk links history) for templates
Template:Lcs (edit talk links history) for categories
Template:Lps (edit talk links history) for {{ns:Project}} (= hiwiki)
Template:Ltsmeta (edit talk links history) for templates copied from Meta
Template:Lts/ (edit talk links history) for template lists (see below)
Template:Lx (edit talk links history) boilerplate for the Lx family
Category:Internal link templates for a comparison of this zoo see below
Template:Lps (edit talk links history) on Meta
Template:Lts (edit talk links history) on Meta
Template:Ltsmeta (edit talk links history) on Meta


We got a zoo of similar templates, pick what you like. This list is probably incomplete and intentionally omits variants with parameters like {{Tlx}} and redirections like {{Tln}}:

Source Code Result
links talk edit {{lt|x4}} साँचा:lt
links talk edit {{lts|x4}} साँचा:lts
links talk edit {{lts/|x4}} साँचा:lts/
links talk edit {{tetl|x4}} साँचा:tetl
links talk edit {{ti|x4}} साँचा:ti
links talk edit {{tic|x4}} साँचा:tic
links talk edit {{tiw|x4}} साँचा:tiw
links talk edit {{tl|x4}} साँचा:tl
links talk edit {{tls|x4}} साँचा:tls
links talk edit {{tlsetl|x4}} साँचा:tlsetl
links talk edit {{tlt|x4}} साँचा:tlt
links talk edit {{ttl|x4}} साँचा:ttl
links talk edit {{twlh|x4}} साँचा:twlh