साँचा:Infobox mill building/doc

मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से
< साँचा:Infobox mill building
imported>आशीष भटनागर द्वारा परिवर्तित ०९:२७, २७ फ़रवरी २०१७ का अवतरण (en:Template:Infobox_mill_building/doc से 32 अवतरण आयात किये गए)
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नेविगेशन पर जाएँ खोज पर जाएँ


 साँचा:namespace detect

| type = notice | image = | imageright = | class = | style = margin-bottom:1.0em; | textstyle = | text = साँचा:strong for साँचा:terminate sentence
It contains usage information, categories and other content that is not part of the original साँचा page. | small = | smallimage = | smallimageright = | smalltext = | subst = | date = | name = }}

साँचा:tl may be used to summarize information about a building. It can be used in two ways with named parameters or with ten unnamed parameters.


{{Infobox mill building
| name                 = 
| building_name        = 
| native_building_name = 
| alternate_names      = 
| image                = 
| caption              = 
| textile_type         = 
| power_source         = 
| mill-process         = 
| altitude             = 
| building_type        = 
| architectural_style  = 
| structural_system    = 
| cost                 = 
| employees            = 
<!-- For titles and maps-- geo info-->
| location            = 
| location_town       = 
| location_country    = 
| altitude            = 
| map_type            = 
| latitude            = 
| longitude           = 
| serving_canal       = 
| serving_railway     = 
| serving_river       = 
| owner               = 
| owner_2             = 
| acquisition_date_2  = 
| owner_3             = 
| acquisition_date_3  = 
| owner_4             = 
| acquisition_date_4  = 
| current_tenants     = 
| current_owner       = 
| coordinates         = 
| oscoor              = 
| start_date          = 
| completion_date     = 
| renovation_date     = 
| re-equipment_date_2 = 
| re-equipment_date_3 = 
| change_of_use_date  = 
| current_status      = 
| demolition_date     = 
| destruction_date    = 
<!-- Dimensions-->
| height              = 
| other_dimensions    = 
| floor_count         = 
| floor_area          = 
| floor_height        = 
| floor_usage         = 
| floor_construction  = 
<!-- The building team -->
| main_contractor     = 
| architect           = 
| architecture_firm   = 
| structural_engineer = 
| other_designers     = 
| awards              = 
| ren_architect       = 
| ren_firm            = 
| ren_oth_designers   = 
| ren_qty_surveyor    = 
| ren_awards          = 
<!-- Steam powered-->
| engine_date           = 
| engine_decommissioned = 
| engine_maker          = 
| engine_type           = 
| engine_valve          = 
| engine_throw          = 
| engine_rpm            = 
| engine_kWatt          = 
| engine_hp             = 
| engine_fly_diameter   = 
| transmission_type     = 
| no_of_ropes           = 
| boilers               = 
| boiler_temperature    = 
| psi                   = 
<!-- Watermills -->
| wheels                  = 
| diameter_of_water_wheel = 
| width_of_wheel          = 
| wheel_rpm               = 
<!-- Equipment-->
| equipment_maker   = 
| date_of_equipping = 
| no_of_looms       = 
| cotton_count      = 
| scutchers         = 
| carding_engines   = 
| doublers          = 
| kiers             = 
| other_equipment   = 
| mule_frames       = 
| ring_frames       = 
<!-- References-->
| embedded          = 
| references = 


Unnamed parameters

  1. Mill name
  2. Location
  3. Coordinate
  4. Reference
  5. Notes- Description (not yet displayed)
  6. Image
  7. Architect/Owner (some lists use different info (not yet displayed)
  8. Built
  9. Decommissioned
  10. Demolished

The purpose of this is to allow lists of mills to be constructed using the साँचा:tl, साँचा:tl, साँचा:tl sequence. The साँचा:tl can be copied directly across into a new article and renamed साँचा:tl as the unnamed parameters transfer directly across. The new Infobox can then be edited, and as new data is input it will over-ride potentially conflicting parameters. Similarly, any साँचा:tl named-parameters can safely be added to a साँचा:tl call, as they will be safely ignored while on the list page- but will then be valid here if a copy is made.

The named parameters are seen in the section below.



{{Infobox mill building
| building_name       = Regent Mill
| native_building_name= 
| alternate_names     =
| image               = Mill-image-pending.jpg
| caption             = Regent Mill in 1950 
| textile_type        = [[Cotton]]
| building_type       = [[Cotton-spinning machinery|Spinning (ring mill)]]
| power_source        = Steam
| architectural_style = 
| structural_system   = Red engineering brick
| cost                = 
| location            = [[Failsworth]], Oldham
| serving_canal       = [[Rochdale Canal]]
| serving_railway     = [[Oldham Loop Line]]
| owner               =
| owner_2             = LCC  
| acquisition_date_2  = 1930
| owner_3             = Salton
| acquisition_date_3  =
| owner_4             =
| acquisition_date_4  =
| current_tenants     = 
| coordinates         = {{coord|53.5087|-2.1604|display=inline|region:GB|format=dms}}
| oscoor              = SD 789345
| altitude            = 
| start_date          = 1906
| completion_date     = 
| change_of_use_date  = 1958
| renovation_date     = 
| demolition_date     = Chimney 1964
| current_status      = Standing, usage changed
| height              = 
| other_dimensions    = Chimney {{convert|210|ft|m}}
| floor_count         = 4
| floor_area          = {{convert|345|ft|m}} by {{convert|130|ft|m}}
| floor_height        = 
| floor_usage         = In 1950:
*cellar: a warehouse, yarn cellar, waste room, cotton room, and dust room. 
*The first floor was the card room, 
*The second floor was the ring frame room 
*The third | architecture_firm   =
| structural_engineer = 
| other_designers     = 
| awards              = 
| engine_date         = 1906
| engine_decommissioned  = 1958
| engine_maker        = [[Buckley and Taylor of Oldham]]
| engine_type         = marine type vertical triple expansion engine
| engine_valve        =
| engine_cylinder     = 63-inch diameter low-pressure cylinder
| engine_rpm          = 64
| engine_kWatt        =
| engine_ihp          = 1800 ihp sometimes loaded to 2000 ihp
| engine_fly_diameter = {{convert|26|ft|m}}
| transmission_type   = rope
| no_of_ropes         = 26 ropes
| boilers             = ? Dual Lancashire ?
| boiler_temperature  =
| psi                 =
| spindles            = 60000
| references          = {{cite web|url=http://dunkerley-tuson.co.uk/regentmill.aspx|title=Dunkerley-Tuson Family Website, The Regent Cotton Mill, Failsworth|last=Dunkerley|first=Philip|accessdate=2009-01-09}}


The HTML markup produced by this template includes an hCard microformat, which makes the place-name and location parsable by computers, either acting automatically to catalogue articles across Wikipedia, or via a browser tool operated by a person, to (for example) add the subject to an address book. Within the hCard is a Geo microformat, which additionally makes the coordinates (latitude & longitude) parsable, so that they can be, say, looked up on a map, or downloaded to a GPS unit. For more information about the use of microformats on Wikipedia, please see the microformat project.


If the place or venue has an "established", "founded", "opened" or similar date, use साँचा:tl unless the date is before 1583 CE.

If it has a URL, use साँचा:tl.

Please do not remove instances of these sub-templates.


hCard uses HTML classes including:

  • adr
  • agent
  • category
  • county-name
  • extended-address
  • fn
  • label
  • locality
  • nickname
  • note
  • org
  • region
  • street-address
  • uid
  • url
  • vcard

Geo is produced by calling साँचा:tl, and uses HTML classes:

  • geo
  • latitude
  • longitude

Please do not rename or remove these classes nor collapse nested elements which use them.


When giving coordinates, please use an appropriate level of precision. Do not use साँचा:tl's साँचा:para parameter.

See also