विनिर्माण प्रक्रियाओं की सूची
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यह सम्पूर्ण पृष्ठ या इसके कुछ अनुभाग हिन्दी के अतिरिक्त अन्य भाषा(ओं) में भी लिखे गए हैं। आप इनका साँचा:edit करके विकिपीडिया की सहायता कर सकते हैं। |
यहाँ विनिर्माण-प्रक्रियाओं की सूची दी गयी है जो प्रकार्य (फंक्शन) की समानता के अनुसार व्यवस्थित किये गये हैं।
ढलाई (कास्टिंग)
- Centrifugal casting
- Continuous casting
- Die casting
- Evaporative-pattern casting
- Investment casting (lost wax casting)
- Low pressure
- Permanent mold casting
- Plastic mold
- Resin casting
- Sand casting
- Shell molding
- Slush or slurry
- Spray forming
- Vacuum molding[२]
संचन (मोल्डिंग)
- Powder metallurgy
- Compaction plus sintering
- Hot isostatic pressing
- Metal injection molding
- Spray forming
- Plastics (see also rapid prototyping)
- Shrink fitting
- Shrink wrapping
फॉर्मिङ (Forming)
- End tube forming
- Forging
- Rolling (Thick plate and sheet metal)
- Extrusion
- Pressing
- Embossing
- Stretch forming
- Blanking (see drawing below)
- Drawing (manufacturing) (pulling sheet metal. wire, bar or tube
- Deep drawing (sinks, auto body)
- Bending
- Shearing
- Other
मशीनन (Machining)
- Mills
- Milling
- Turning
- Lathe
- Facing
- Boring (also Single pass bore finishing)
- Spinning (flow turning)
- Knurling
- Hard turning
- Cutoff (parting)
- Drilling
- Reaming
- Countersinking
- Tapping
- Sawing
- Broaching
- Shaping
- Horizontal
- Vertical
- Special purpose
- Planing
- Honing (Sharpening)
- Finishing & industrial finishing
- Routing
- Hobbing
- Ultrasonic machining
- Electrical discharge
- Electron beam machining
- Electrochemical machining
- Chemical
- Photochemical
- Laser cutting
- Grinding
- Gashing
- Biomachining
जोड़ना (Joining)
- वेल्डन
- Arc
- Oxyfuel gas
- Resistance
- Projection welding
- Seam
- Upset welding
- Percussion (manufacturing)
- Solid state welding
- Electron beam welding
- Laser welding
- Thermite
- Induction
- Low frequency (50–450 Hz)
- High frequency (induction resistance; 200–450 kHz)
- Others
- Brazing
- Soldering
- Sintering
- Adhesive bonding (incomplete)
- Thermo-setting and thermoplastic
- Epoxy
- Modified epoxy
- Phenolics
- Polyurethane
- Adhesive alloys
- Miscellaneous other powders, liquids, solids, and tapes
- Fastening wood and metal
- Press fitting
योगात्मक विनिर्माण (Additive manufacturing)
क्षिप्र विनिर्माण (Rapid manufacturing)
- Stereolithography
- Selective laser sintering
- Fused deposition modeling
- Three-dimensional printing
- Laminated object manufacturing
- Laser engineered net shaping
अन्य व्यवसाय (trades)
- खनन
- पॉलिशन (पॉलिशिंग)
- Woodworking
- Joinery (see also joining above)
- Lapping
- Morticing
- Routing (see above)
- Biscuit (woodworking)
- Joinery (see also joining above)
- Crushing
- ↑ स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "citation/CS1" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है।
- ↑ fundamentals of modern manufacturing 4th edition by mikell p. groover page 231
- ↑ साँचा:cite news