साँचा:Line chart/doc
साँचा:namespace detect
| type = notice
| image =
| imageright =
| class =
| style = margin-bottom:1.0em;
| textstyle =
| text = साँचा:strong for साँचा:terminate sentence
It contains usage information, categories and other content that is not part of the original साँचा page.
| small =
| smallimage =
| smallimageright =
| smalltext =
| subst =
| date =
| name =
This template allows the creation of line charts with the following limitations:
- Maximum number of data series: 10
- Maximum number of x-values: 25
It is based on the extension EasyTimeline and has been copied from fr:Modèle:Graphique polygonal.
{{Line chart | padding_top = | padding_bottom = | padding_right = | padding_left = | width = | height = | number_of_x-values = | y_max = | y_min = | number_of_series = | color_background = | scale = | color_primary_scale = | color_secondary_scale = | interval_primary_scale = | interval_secondary_scale = | color_series_1 = | ... | color_series_10 = | label_x1 = | ... | label_x25 = | S01V01 = | ... | S01V25 = | S02V01 = | ... | S02V25 = | ... | S10V01 = | ... | S10V25 = }}
Layout parameters
The following parameters are optional:
: width in pixels of the chart (default: 500)height
: height in pixels of the chart (default: 350)padding_top
: margin in pixels between the top of the image and the top of the drawing area (default: 10)padding_bottom
: margin in pixels between the bottom of the image and the bottom of the drawing area (default: 20)padding_right
: margin in pixels between the right of the image and the right of the drawing area (default: 10)padding_left
: margin in pixels between the left of the image and the left of the drawing area (default: 30)
Form and color parameters
The following parameters are optional:
: Background color (default: white).color_primary_scale
: Color of the primary lines of the ordinate scale (default: dark gray).color_secondary_scale
: Color of the secondary lines of the ordinate scale (default: light gray).color_series_1
: Color of each line of data series (default: red, blue, green, yelloworange, purple, magenta, orange, lavender, powderblue, brightgreen).thickness_series1
: Thickness of each line of data series, from 0.1 (very thin) to 10 (very thick). Default: 0.8
All available color codes are listed in the EasyTimeline documentation.
Data series parameters
: Value xx (from 01 to 25) of the series aa (from 01 to 10). The subsequent value must be between 0 and the parametery_max
(see below).- Example:
S05V01 = 25
means: "The first value (at x-axis position 01) of the fifth series (05) is 25". - Note: X-axis values may be omitted. For example, if values for S01V01 and S01V03 are provided, but not for S01V02, a direct line between the x-axis value at 1 and at 3 is drawn.
- Example:
: Determines whether points symbolizing the x-axis value of the data are to be added to the graph.points = yes
means that such points are added for all data series. All other values of the parameter are ignored.
Axis parameters
: Interval between each principal subdivision of the y-axis. Mandatory.interval_secondary_scale
: Interval between each secondary subdivision of the y-axis (if the parameterscale
is given a value ofyes
: number of values on the x-axis. Mandatory.label_x1
: the labels (text) of the x-axis values. The number of these parameters that is set must be equal to the valuenumber_of_x-values
. Default value: a number between 1 and 25.y_max
: Maximum value on the y-axis. Mandatory.y_min
: Minimum value on the y-axis. Default is zero.
The following code:
{{Line chart | color_background = white | width = 500 | height = 350 | padding_left = 40 | padding_right = 15 | padding_top = 10 | padding_bottom = 20 | number_of_series = 3 | number_of_x-values = 10 | label_x1 = Val. 1 | label_x2 = Val. 2 | label_x3 = Val. 3 | label_x4 = Val. 4 | label_x5 = Val. 5 | label_x6 = Val. 6 | label_x7 = Val. 7 | label_x8 = Val. 8 | label_x9 = Val. 9 | label_x10 = Val. 10 | y_max = 3000 | y_min = 1000 | scale = yes | interval_primary_scale = 1000 | interval_secondary_scale = 100 | S01V02 = 2200 | S01V03 = 2400 | S01V04 = 2500 | S01V05 = 2600 | S01V06 = 2500 | S02V01 = 1400 | S02V02 = 2000 | S02V03 = 1600 | S02V04 = 1800 | S02V05 = 2400 | S02V06 = 2400 | S02V07 = 2500 | S02V08 = 2000 | S02V09 = 1600 | S02V10 = 1800 | S03V01 = 1800 | S03V04 = 2000 | S03V05 = 1600 | S03V06 = 1800 | S03V07 = 2400 | S03V09 = 2400 | points = yes }}

- The magic word formatnum cannot be used to format the x-axis values.
- There is no alternate text for accessibility purposes.
See also