imported>Kutchkutch द्वारा परिवर्तित ०३:५१, ३ अक्टूबर २०११ का अवतरण
(अन्तर) ← पुराना अवतरण | वर्तमान अवतरण (अन्तर) | नया अवतरण → (अन्तर)
The charts below show the way in which the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) represents Korean language pronunciations in Wikipedia articles, based on the standard dialect of South Korea.
See Korean phonology for a more thorough look at the sounds of Korean.
RR trans.
English equivalent
साँचा:square bracket openघोष द्वयोष्ठ्य स्पर्श|b]]साँचा:yesno |
ㅂ[१] |
b |
ball |
between voiced sounds
साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless alveolo-palatal sibilant|ɕ]]साँचा:yesno |
ㅅ |
s |
she |
before [i] or [j]
ɕ͈ |
ㅆ |
ss |
— |
before [i] or [j]
साँचा:square bracket openvoiced alveolar plosive|d]]साँचा:yesno |
ㄷ[२] |
d |
doll |
between voiced sounds
साँचा:square bracket openvoiced alveolo-palatal affricate|dʑ]]साँचा:yesno |
ㅈ |
j |
gee |
between voiced sounds
साँचा:square bracket openvoiced velar plosive|ɡ]]साँचा:yesno |
ㄱ |
g |
gall |
between voiced sounds
साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless glottal fricative|h]]साँचा:yesno |
ㅎ |
h |
hall |
साँचा:square bracket openpalatal approximant|j]]साँचा:yesno |
साँचा:nowrap साँचा:nowrap[३] |
y |
y’all |
Spelled by doubling the short line on the vowel.
साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless velar plosive|k]]साँचा:yesno |
ㄱ, ㅋ |
g, k |
skin |
ㅋ is [k] at the end of a syllable.
k͈ |
ㄲ |
kk |
— |
tense [k]
kʰ |
ㅋ, ㅎㄱ |
k |
call |
साँचा:square bracket openalveolar lateral approximant|l]]साँचा:yesno |
ㄹ, ㄴ |
l |
lip |
ㄹ is [l] at the end of a syllable. ㄹㄴ and ㄴㄹ may be [ll].
साँचा:square bracket openbilabial nasal|m]]साँचा:yesno |
ㅁ, ㅂ |
m |
mall |
ㅂ is [m] before [n] or [m].
साँचा:square bracket openवर्त्स्य नासिक्य|n]]साँचा:yesno |
ㄴ, ㄹ, साँचा:nowrap |
n |
not |
ㄹ may be [n] at the start of a word. ㄷ, ㅅ, ㅈ are [n] before [n] or [m].
साँचा:square bracket openकण्ठ्य नासिक्य|ŋ]]साँचा:yesno |
ㅇ, ㄱ |
ng |
king |
ㅇ is only [ŋ] at the end of a syllable. ㄱ is [ŋ] before [n], [m] or [ɾ]
साँचा:square bracket openअघोष द्वयोष्ठ्य स्पर्श|p]]साँचा:yesno |
ㅂ[१], ㅍ |
b, p |
span |
ㅍ is [p] at the end of a syllable.
p͈ |
ㅃ[१] |
pp |
— |
tense [p]
pʰ |
ㅍ[१], ㅎㅂ |
p |
pall |
साँचा:square bracket openवर्त्स्य उत्क्षिप्त|ɾ]]साँचा:yesno |
ㄹ |
r |
— |
A flap, like Scots r or American ladder, between vowels
साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless alveolar sibilant|s]]साँचा:yesno |
ㅅ[२] |
s |
Saul |
[s] with almost no sibilance
s͈ |
ㅆ |
ss |
— |
tense [s]
साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless alveolar plosive|t]]साँचा:yesno |
ㄷ[२] साँचा:nowrap |
d t |
stall |
All are [t] and RR t at the end of a syllable.
t͈ |
ㄸ |
tt |
— |
tense [t]
tʰ |
ㅌ[२], ㅎㄷ |
t |
tall |
साँचा:square bracket openvoiceless alveolo-palatal affricate|tɕ]]साँचा:yesno |
ㅈ |
j |
itchy |
tɕ͈ |
ㅉ |
jj |
— |
tense [tɕ]
tɕʰ |
ㅊ, ㅎㅈ |
ch |
cheek |
साँचा:square bracket openvoiced labio-velar approximant|w]]साँचा:yesno |
ㅜ, ㅗ |
w |
wall |
spelled ㅜ before [ʌ], [e], [i]; ㅗ before [ɛ], [e],* [a]
*ㅚ is pronounced [we] by most, but as the rounded ö vowel [ø] by some older speakers.
RR trans.
ɰi |
ㅢ |
ui |
Only occurs in the first syllable of a word.
Sounds not written in hangul
ː |
Long vowel. Long [ʌ] is əː. Young speakers in Seoul do not use length consistently, if at all.
́ |
High tone, on any one syllable or the first two; used outside Seoul.
See also
- IPA (1949, 51, etc.). "The Principles of IPA". London.
- Lee, H.B. (1971). "Preliminary Version of Korean Phonetic Alphabet" (in Korean), HanGeul Haghoe (the Korean Language SocietY), Seoul.
- Lee, H.B. (1981), "IPA and Korean Phonetic Alphabet" (in Korean), Gwahagsa, Seoul.
- Lee, H.B. (1992), "International Korean Phonetic Alphabet - Theory and Application-" .(in Korean) "Malsori" No. 21-24, The Phonetic Society of Korea.
- Lee, H.B. (1999), "International Korean Phonetic Alphabet for Computers", International Conference on the Computer Processing of Korean Language, Yanbi an, China.
- Lee, H.B. (1999). An IPA Illustration of Korean, Handbook of the International Phonetic Association. IPA.
- Lee, Hyun-Bok (1999) "Handbook of the International Phonetic Association: a guide to the use of the International Phonetic Alphabet", Cambridge University Press, pp.121–123 ISBN 0521637511
- Lee, Hyun-Bok (2004) "In search of a universal phonetic alphabet - theory and application of an organic visible speech-", In INTERSPEECH-2004, paper P3.
- Sohn, Ho-min, (2006) "Korean language in culture and society" KLEAR textbooks in Korean language, University of Hawaii Press, pp.4–5. ISBN 0824826949
External links
- ↑ अ आ इ ई Sohn, (2001), p.2
- ↑ अ आ इ ई Sohn, (2001), p.3
- ↑ Lee, (2002), p.3