साँचा:Designation/Supported designations
< साँचा:Designation
नेविगेशन पर जाएँ
खोज पर जाएँ
imported>आशीष भटनागर द्वारा परिवर्तित ०७:२६, १० अगस्त २०११ का अवतरण (नया पृष्ठ: ===Global designations=== {{template:Designation/Supported designations/Global}} ===National/regional designations=== {{template:Designation/Supported designations/Nation...)
Global designations
Designation | Scope | Count | Valid <designation> values (Callnames) |
यूनेस्को विश्व धरोहर स्थल | Global | 874 | World Heritage Site; WHS |
IUCN श्रेणी Ia (कड़ा प्राकृतिक रिज़र्व) | Global | ??? | IUCN Category Ia; IUCN Ia; Category Ia; Nature Reserve |
IUCN श्रेणी Ib (वनीय क्षेत्र) | Global | ??? | IUCN Category Ib; IUCN Ib; Category Ib; Wilderness Area |
IUCN श्रेणी II (राष्ट्रीय उद्यान) | Global | ??? | IUCN Category II; IUCN II; Category II; National Park |
IUCN श्रेणी III (प्राकृतिक स्मारक) | Global | ??? | IUCN Category III; IUCN III; Category III; Natural Monument |
IUCN श्रेणी IV (पर्यावास/प्रजाति प्रबंधन क्षेत्र) | Global | ??? | IUCN Category IV; IUCN IV; Category IV; Habitat Management; Species Management |
IUCN श्रेणी V (संरक्षित क्षेत्र/सागर) | Global | ??? | IUCN Category V; IUCN V; Category V; Protected Landscape; Protected Seascape |
IUCN श्रेणी VI (प्रबंधित संसाधन संरक्षित क्षेत्र) | Global | ??? | IUCN Category VI; IUCN VI; Category VI; Managed Resource Protected Area |
National/regional designations
Designation | Scope | Count | Valid <designation> values (Callnames) | ||||
Invalid designation | Albania | 201 | Cultural Monument of Albania; Albanian Cultural Monument; Albania; Monument Kulture | ||||
National Historic Monument of Argentina | Argentina | ~400 | National Historic Monument of Argentina; Argentina Historic Monument; Argentina; NHMA | ||||
Canadian National Historic Site | Canada | 958 | National Historic Site of Canada; Canadian National Historic Site; Canada; NHSC | ||||
Invalid designation | Croatia | 461 | Protected Natural Value of Croatia; Croatian Protected Natural Value; Protected area of Croatia; Croatian Protected area; Croatia Natural; Spomenik prirode | ||||
Invalid designation | Croatia | ??? | Cultural Good of Croatia; Croatian Cultural Good; Croatia Cultural; Spomenik kulture | ||||
National Register of Historic Parks and Gardens | England | ??? | National Register of Historic Parks and Gardens; Register of Historic Parks and Gardens; Historic Parks and Gardens; England Historic Park; England Historic Garden; English Historic Park; English Historic Garden | ||||
Monument historique | France | >43,000 | Monument historique; France; French | ||||
National Monument of Ireland | Ireland | ~1,000 | Irish National Monument; National Monument of Ireland; Ireland Monument in State Care; Irish Monument in State Care; Ireland; Irish | ||||
National Treasure of Japan | Japan | 1079 | National Treasure of Japan; Japanese National Treasure; Japan | ||||
Rijksmonument | Netherlands | 55,000+ | Rijksmonument; Dutch National Monument; Netherlands National Monument; National Monument of the Netherlands; Netherlands; Dutch | ||||
New Zealand Historic Places Trust - Category I | New Zealand | ??? | New Zealand Historic Places Trust Category I; New Zealand Category I; NZ Category I | ||||
New Zealand Historic Places Trust - Category II | New Zealand | ??? | New Zealand Historic Places Trust Category II; New Zealand Category II; NZ Category II | ||||
Portuguese National Monument | Portugal | 791 | National Monument of Portugal; Portuguese National Monument; Monumento Nacional do Portugal; Portugal; IPPAR | ||||
Serbian Cultural Property of Great Importance | Serbia | 1,335 | Serbian Cultural Property of Great Importance; Cultural Property of Great Importance; Serbia; Serbian | ||||
Invalid designation | Scotland | ~386 | Inventory of Gardens and Designed Landscapes in Scotland; Gardens and Designed Landscapes in Scotland; Inventory of Gardens and Designed Landscapes | ||||
National Monument of Singapore | Singapore | ??? | National Monument of Singapore; Singapore National Monument; Singapore | ||||
Spanish Property of Cultural Interest | Spain | ??? | Spanish Property of Cultural Interest; Bien de Interés Cultural; BIC; Spain; Spanish | ||||
Monument historique | France | >40,467 | Monument historique; France; French | ||||
Swiss Cultural Property of National Significance | Switzerland | ??? | Swiss Cultural Property of National Significance; Swiss; Switzerland; Swiss Cultural Property | ||||
| |||||||
UK Scheduled Ancient Monument | United Kingdom | ??? | Scheduled Monument; Scheduled Ancient Monument; Ancient Monument; UK Scheduled Monument; UK Ancient Monument; Scheduled Historic Monument; UK Monument in State Care; UK Scheduled Ancient Monument; UK Scheduled Historic Monument | ||||
| |||||||
National Monument of Zambia | Zambia | >3000 | National Monument of Zambia; Zambian National Monument; Zambia |
State/provincial designations
Designation | Scope | Count | Valid <designation> values (Callnames) | ||||
Declared Monument of Hong Kong | China – Hong Kong | 92 | Declared Monument of Hong Kong; Hong Kong Declared Monument; HK Declared Monument | ||||
| |||||||
Alabama Landmark | United States – Alabama | ~1269 | Alabama Register; Alabama Landmark; Alabama; USAL; ARLH | ||||
California Historical Landmark | United States – California | >1,000 | California Historical Landmark; California; CHISL | ||||
Invalid designation | United States – Michigan | 2730 | Michigan State Historic Site; Michigan; MSHS | ||||
Mississippi Landmark | United States – Mississippi | 890 | Mississippi Landmark; Mississippi; USMS | ||||
Nevada Historical Marker | United States - Nevada | 266 | Nevada Historical Marker; Nevada Marker; Nevada; USNV |
Local designations
Designation | Scope | Count | Valid <designation> values (Callnames) |
Yangon City Landmark | Burma – Yangon | 188 | Yangon City Heritage List; Yangon City Landmark; Yangon Landmark; Yangon City; Yangon |
Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monument | United States – California – Los Angeles | 886 | Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monument; Los Angeles Historic Cultural Monument; Los Angeles; LAHCM |
Chicago Landmark | United States – Illinois – Chicago | ~200 | Chicago Landmark; Chicago; CHICL |
St. Louis Landmark | United States – Missouri – St. Louis | 121 | St. Louis Landmark; St Louis Landmark; St. Louis; St Louis |
New York City Landmark | United States – New York – New York City | ~23,000 | New York City Landmark; NYC Landmark; New York City; NYC; NYCL |
Oyster Bay Landmark | United States – New York – Oyster Bay | 40 | Oyster Bay Landmark; Oyster Bay, New York; Oyster Bay, NY; Oyster Bay |
Pittsburgh Landmark | United States – Pennsylvania – Pittsburgh | 66 | Pittsburgh Historic Landmark; Pittsburgh Landmark; Pittsburgh; PHLF |