
मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से
< साँचा:Ymbb
imported>Siddhartha Ghai द्वारा परिवर्तित १३:०४, २४ अक्टूबर २०११ का अवतरण
(अन्तर) ← पुराना अवतरण | वर्तमान अवतरण (अन्तर) | नया अवतरण → (अन्तर)
नेविगेशन पर जाएँ खोज पर जाएँ


 साँचा:namespace detect

| type = notice | image = | imageright = | class = | style = margin-bottom:1.0em; | textstyle = | text = साँचा:strong for साँचा:terminate sentence
It contains usage information, categories and other content that is not part of the original साँचा page. | small = | smallimage = | smallimageright = | smalltext = | subst = | date = | name = }} साँचा:substituted

This template is for use when warning an editor about his or her conduct, where a customized message or note is used in lieu of a standard template, but where a link to the blocking policy is desired to conclude the warning. Typically, a warning is not considered a "final" warning in the absence of a specific and explicit warning that a block is imminent; this text provides that explicit warning.

When used alone, typing a phrase such as "...If this conduct continues, साँचा:tls." would produce:

...If this conduct continues, You may be blocked from editing.

This may be inserted into the middle of the warning without breaking other formatting. Remember that it does not include the period; this permits easier use during editing.

If you wish to insert the template at the end of a warning or message, you may add a parameter. In this way, the example text of "...If this conduct continues, साँचा:tls" would insert the period, a Thank you, and your signature, thus:

...If this conduct continues, You may be blocked from editing. Thank you. Example (talk) २२:३०, शनिवार मार्च २२, २०२५ (UTC)

Table of examples

Usage Result
{{subst:ymbb}} You may be blocked from editing
{{subst:ymbb|1}} You may be blocked from editing. Thank you. Example (talk) २२:३०, शनिवार मार्च २२, २०२५ (UTC)

See Also