साँचा:ज्ञानसंदूक परिवार/doc
< साँचा:ज्ञानसंदूक परिवार(साँचा:Infobox Family/doc से अनुप्रेषित)
नेविगेशन पर जाएँ
खोज पर जाएँ
साँचा:namespace detect
| type = notice
| image =
| imageright =
| class =
| style = margin-bottom:1.0em;
| textstyle =
| text = साँचा:strong for साँचा:terminate sentence
It contains usage information, categories and other content that is not part of the original साँचा page.
| small =
| smallimage =
| smallimageright =
| smalltext =
| subst =
| date =
| name =
साँचा:intricate template
साँचा:tlx can be used for both real and fictional families.
Note that information which is not applicable to the family should be left blank.
{{Infobox family | colour = powderblue | name = | crest = | caption = | ethnicity = | birth_place = | region = | early_forms = | origin = | members = | otherfamilies = | distinctions = | traditions = | heirlooms = | estate = | meaning = | footnotes = }}
See also