चित्र:Nevada 607.svg

मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से
नेविगेशन पर जाएँ खोज पर जाएँ

मूल फ़ाइल(SVG फ़ाईल, साधारणत: ६०० × ६०० पीक्सेल्स, फ़ाईलका आकार: १३ KB)

English: 32 in by 32 in (900 mm by 900 mm) Nevada State Route shield. Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
स्रोत self-created using Inkscape and Image:Nevada 000 nopath.svg
लेखक Mr. Matté
(इस चित्र का पुनः उपयोग करना)
Own work, all rights released (Public domain)
Public domain This file is in the public domain because it is prescribed by the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, , sign number GNV1-3. The Nevada Department of Transportation has adopted the 2003 version of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (herein referred to as the MUTCD) adopted by the Federal Highway Administrator as a National Standard for application on all classes of highways, subject to such modifications as is set forth in this supplement." The 2003 federal MUTCD states specifically on its page I-1 that:
Any traffic control device design or application provision contained in this Manual shall be considered to be in the public domain. Traffic control devices contained in this Manual shall not be protected by a patent, trademark, or copyright, except for the Interstate Shield and any other items owned by FHWA.

No provisions of the supplement modify this provision of the MUTCD.

फ़ाइल का इतिहास

फ़ाइलका पुराना अवतरण देखने के लिये दिनांक/समय पर क्लिक करें।

दिनांक/समयअंगूठाकार प्रारूपआकारप्रयोक्ताप्रतिक्रिया
वर्तमान००:४३, ११ फ़रवरी २००८००:४३, ११ फ़रवरी २००८ के संस्करण का अंगूठाकार प्रारूप।६०० × ६०० (१३ KB)wikimediacommons>Mr. Matté{{Information |Description=32 in by 32 in (900 mm by 900 mm) Nevada State Route shield. Uses the [http://www.triskele.com/fonts/index.html Roadgeek 2005 fonts]. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are mea

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